World Forum for the Harmonization of Vehicle Regulations | Session 177 | 11-15 Mar 2019
Agenda Item 2.2.
Programme of work and documentation

20. The Secretary of WP.29 presented the WP.29 programme of work highlighting the strategic priorities. WP.29 adopted the programme of work ECE/TRANS/WP.29/2019/1 pending the revisions requested by AC.2 (para. 11). The revised programme of work is reproduced in Annex III of the session report.

21. The World Forum took note of the list of informal working groups (WP.29-177-01).

22. The representative of the European Union presented its work priorities for 2019-2021 for activities at WP.29 (WP.29-177-18), which contained a list of envisaged regulatory activities for WP.29 subsidiary GR and tentative timelines for their accomplishment.

23. The representative of OICA stated that, in particular for the items related to automated and autonomous vehicles, continuous coordination of activities, clear identification and allocation of responsibilities, among the GRs is needed to avoid divergencies in the overall direction of activities.

24. The representative of the United States of America welcomed the document (WP.29-177-18) but invited interested contracting parties to also share their priorities for the work of WP.29 with the Forum and recalled that the priorities for work of the World Forum were contained in its Programme of Work document.

WP.29-177-01 WP.29 Working Parties, Informal Working Groups and Chairmanship State of play on 15 February 2019
WP.29-177-18 EU Work Priorities for 2019-2021 for UNECE activities
WP.29/2019/1 Revised programme of Work of the World Forum for Harmonization of Vehicle Regulations (WP.29) and its Subsidiary Bodies