The deadline for the submission of official working documents is 2 November 2018
47. The expert from Australia introduced ECE/TRANS/WP.29/GRVA/2019/6 addressing the concern expressed during the 175th WP.29 session. GRVA adopted the proposal as amended (GRVA-02-30) and reproduced in Annex IV. GRVA requested the secretariat to submit it to WP.29 and AC.1 as draft Supplement 3 to UN Regulation No. 140 for consideration and vote at their June 2019 sessions.
48. The expert from OICA, on behalf of OICA and CLEPA, and anticipating the development of future steering systems, introduced GRVA-02-23, proposing amendments to the Electronic Stability Control related test conditions. GRVA questioned the impact on UN Global Technical Regulation (GTR) No. 8. as well as the unintended impact on the compliance with the initial spirit of the Regulation.