Working Party on Passive Safety | Session 54 | 17-20 Dec 2013
Agenda Item 10.
Regulation No. 17 (Strength of seats)

18. The expert from CLEPA introduced GRSP-54-04, aimed at introducing provisions to define the moment of inertia of the luggage impact test. The expert from Japan introduced GRSP-54-20 proposing to regulate only the lower limit of the moment of inertia of the test blocks. Following the discussion, GRSP agreed to resume discussion at its May 2014 session on the basis of a revised proposal voluntarily prepared by the expert from CLEPA.

GRSP-54-04 Proposal for Supplement 3 to the 08 series of amendments to Regulation No. 17 (CLEPA)
GRSP-54-20 Japan proposal for Supplement 3 to the 08 series of amendments to Regulation No. 17 (Japan)
GRSP/2009/15 Alignment of Regulation No. 17 with GTR No. 7 (Head restraints)