22. The expert from Germany introduced GRSP-64-22 and
GRSP-64-23 superseding ECE/TRANS/WP.29/GRSP/2018/10, aimed at removing Appendix 5 (static test requirements and procedure) from UN Regulation No. 80 (GRSP-64-22) and at improving the dynamic test (GRSP-64-23) in two different series of amendments. The expert from OICA suggested that both tests be maintained as alternatives and that the static test be improved as a first step. The expert from Italy supported the approach of the expert from OICA. The expert from the Russian Federation introduced GRSP-64-19 and Add.1, proposing to include the assessment of the dummy neck injury criteria into the dynamic test of the UN Regulation. The Chair of GRSP suggested creating a task force of concerned parties led by Germany to provide a revised official document that would incorporate GRSP-64-19 and other comments submitted to the secretariat by 15 February 2019. The expert from Germany agreed with the Chair’s proposal and the expert from OICA offered his contribution in drafting the revised document.