World Forum for the Harmonization of Vehicle Regulations | Session 175 | 18-22 Jun 2018
Agenda Item 8.4.

112. WP.29 welcomed the new draft edition of the “Blue Book” prepared by the secretariat (informal document WP.29-175-22). The Chair invited all delegates to review the draft text and to submit their contributions and comments to the secretariat by mid-July 2018 at the latest. WP.29 is expected to have a final review of the latest draft at its November 2018 session.

113. The secretariat presented the informal document WP.29-175-23, which lists all the adopted proposals of the 173rd session of WP.29 and which enters into force on 19 July 2018.

WP.29-175-22 Draft 4th edition of the "Blue Book"
WP.29-175-23 Adopted Proposals 173rd WP.29 session – entry into force