Proposal for Supplement 1 to the 01 series of amendments to Regulation No. 110
Proposal for Supplement 1 to the 01 series of amendments to Regulation No. 110
Text prepared by the Chair of the Task Force on Liquefied Natural Gas (LNG) vehicles (on the basis of document GRSG/2013/7) to introduce type approval provisions for vehicles equipped with LNG propulsion systems. The proposal has been prepared as a new consolidated version (Revision 3) of UN Regulation No. 110.
Information supporting LNG vehicle amendments to UN Regulation No. 110
Information supporting LNG vehicle amendments to UN Regulation No. 110
Text from the Informal Group on Gaseous Fuelled Vehicles in order to comply with a request by the GRSG. Amendments proposed by the LNG Task Force on incorporating LNG systems into Regulation 110 were approved by the 104th session of the GRSG (GRSG/2013/7). The German delegate, recognizing that potential methane release — venting from ‘boil off’ — is an environmental issue suggested that the issue of holding time for LNG and its venting be brought forward to the GRPE.
Information on LNG-vehicle "boil-off" issues
Information on LNG-vehicle "boil-off" issues
Information provided to GRPE at the request of GRSG to explain the nature of LNG container venting as a safety precaution responding to LNG boil-off effects on pressure levels.