Working Party on Noise | Session 64 | 5-7 Sep 2016
Agenda Item 17.
Other business

33. GRB was informed that WP.29, at its March and June 2016 sessions, had had a discussion on the performance of automotive systems, in particular the ones relying on software, in conditions other than those tested during the type approval test procedures (WP.29-168-15 and WP.29-169-13). WP.29 had requested its subsidiary Working Parties to give feedback on the issue. GRB invited its experts to provide comments and decided to revert to this matter at the next session.

34. GRB took note that Dr. Ichiro Samamoto (Japan) had changed his position and would no longer attend its sessions. GRB thanked him for his contributions and wished him success in the future.

35. GRB was informed that Mr. Pierre Laurent (CLEPA) would retire and no longer attend its sessions. GRB acknowledged his contributions and wished him a happy retirement.

GRB-64-15 Some proposals to improve efficiency of road vehicle noise regulations (France)
WP.29-168-15 The performance of automotive systems in conditions other than those tested in the framework of type-approval or self-certification
WP.29-169-13 Performance of automotive systems in conditions other than those tested