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Attendance |
1. The Working Party on Noise (GRB) held its sixty-fourth session from 5 to 7 September 2016 in Geneva. The meeting was chaired by Mr. S. Ficheux (France). Experts from the following countries participated in the work following Rule 1(a) of the Rules of Procedure of the World Forum for Harmonization of Vehicle Regulations (WP.29) (TRANS/WP.29/690, Amend. 1 and Amend. 2): Belgium; China; France; Germany; Hungary; India; Italy; Japan; Netherlands; Norway; Poland; Republic of Korea; Russian Federation; Spain; Sweden; Switzerland; Turkey; United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the United States of America. Experts from the European Commission (EC) participated. Experts from the following non-governmental organizations also participated: European Association of Automotive Suppliers (CLEPA); European Tyre and Rim Technical Organisation (ETRTO); International Council of Academies of Engineering and Technological Sciences, Inc. (CAETS); International Motorcycle Manufacturers Association (IMMA); International Motorcycling Federation (FIM); International Organization for Standardization (ISO); International Organization of Motor Vehicle Manufacturers (OICA) and World Blind Union (WBU). |
1. | Adoption of the agenda |
2. GRB considered and adopted the agenda.
GRB/2016/3 | Annotated provisional agenda for the 64th GRB session
2. | Regulation No. 28 (Audible warning devices) |
3. The expert from the Russian Federation introduced an updated proposal for amendments to Regulation No. 28 (ECE/TRANS/WP.29/GRB/2016/4, GRB-64-01, GRB-64-09 and GRB-64-22). The proposal received comments from the experts of France, Japan (GRB-64-02), Netherlands, Poland, Switzerland and OICA. GRB adopted the proposal, as amended by Annex II, and requested the secretariat to submit it to the World Forum for Harmonization of Vehicle Regulations (WP.29) and the Administrative Committee (AC.1) for consideration and vote at their March 2017 sessions as a draft Supplement 5 to Regulation No. 28.
GRB-64-01 | Proposal for Supplement 5 to Regulation No. 28
Proposal to update, clarify, and restructure document GRB/2016/4 which aims to refine definitions, remove the “AWD” abbeviation for “audible warning device” to avoid confusion with its more common use for “all wheel drive”, add T category agricultural vehicles to the scope, modify some administrative communications, and add three-direction acoustic measurements. The proposal also aims to structure the regulation to enable its application to additional sound warning devices not presently regulated at the international level, excluding acoustic vehicle alerting systems (AVAS) which will be subject to a separate regulation on minimum vehicle sound levels.
GRB-64-02 | Editorial amendments to ECE/TRANS/WP.29/GRB/2016/4
Proposal for editorial improvements to document GRB/2016/4 intended to update and restructure UN R28.
GRB-64-09 | Illustrations for definitions of audible warning devices and audible warning systems
GRB-64-22 | Revised proposal for Supplement 5 to Regulation No. 28
Proposal as agreed within the GRB to update and clarify the regulation. The proposal refines definitions, removes the “AWD” abbeviation for “audible warning device” to avoid confusion with its more common use for “all wheel drive”, modifies some administrative communications, and proposes three-direction acoustic measurements. The proposal also aims to structure the regulation to enable its application to additional sound warning devices not presently regulated at the international level, excluding acoustic vehicle alerting systems (AVAS) which will be subject to a separate regulation on minimum vehicle sound levels.
GRB/2016/4 | Proposal for Supplement 5 to Regulation No. 28
Proposal to update and clarify the regulation. The proposal refines definitions, removes the “AWD” abbeviation for “audible warning device” to avoid confusion with its more common use for “all wheel drive”, adds T category agricultural vehicles to the scope, modifies some administrative communications, and proposes three-direction acoustic measurements. The proposal also aims to structure the regulation to enable its application to additional sound warning devices not presently regulated at the international level, excluding acoustic vehicle alerting systems (AVAS) which will be subject to a separate regulation on minimum vehicle sound levels.
4. The expert from Germany presented an analysis of the current diverging requirements and challenges for reversing alarms of M and N categories of vehicles and called for harmonization in this area in the framework of the 1958 Agreement (GRB-64-06). As an example of a possible solution, he mentioned amending Regulation No. 28 with the provisions on reversing alarms (GRB-64-05). The expert from Turkey recalled its alternative proposal, at the March 2016 session of WP.29, to establish a new Regulation on vehicle reversing sound warning devices (WP.29-168-04). 5. GRB was of the view that, before taking a decision on the legal form of reversing alarm requirements, this issue would need to be studied further. The experts from China, France, Germany, Hungary, Republic of Korea, Spain, Turkey and OICA expressed their interest in participating in this work. The Chair invited the expert of Germany to solicit comments from GRB experts with a view to preparing proposals for the next session. The expert from Japan pointed out the need to cooperate with the Working Party on General Safety Provisions (GRSG) on devices for indirect vision (Regulation No. 46) which could be an alternative to reversing alarms.
GRB-64-05 | Amendment proposals to Regulation No. 28 on reversing alarm
Draft proposal to incorporate provisions for audible signals when a vehicle is in reverse gear, including specifications relative to ambient noise levels.
GRB-64-06 | Category M and N vehicle reversing alarms
WP.29-168-04 | Proposal for establishment of New Regulation with regard to reversing sound warning devices
Proposal from Turkey to establish requirements for audible systems to alert other road users when a vehicle is operating in reverse.
3. | Regulation No. 41 (Noise of motorcycles): Development |
6. No new proposals were presented under this agenda item. |
4. | Regulation No. 51 (Noise of M and N categories of vehicles) | |
4. (a) | Regulation No. 51: Development |
7. GRB noted that Supplement 1 to the 03 series of amendments to Regulation No. 51 (ECE/TRANS/WP.29/2016/4) was adopted at the WP.29 and AC.1 sessions in March 2016 and would come into force in October 2016.
WP.29/2016/4 | Proposal for Supplement 1 to the 03 series of amendments to Regulation No. 51
Proposal to clarify the wording of the 03 series of amendments to UN R51 as adopted by the World Forum in June 2015 (document WP.29/2015/62). The adopted wording could lead to the interpretation that sound levels measured on the left side of the vehicle are to be averaged with levels measured on the right side of the vehicle. The proposed new wording clarifies that the overall sound emission is assessed individually per vehicle side.
4. (b) | UN Regulation No. 51: Additional sound emission provisions |
8. The expert from France presented the results of a survey on Additional Sound Emission Provisions (ASEP) (GRB-64-16). According the expert, the survey had identified many issues in the application of ASEP of the 03 series of amendments to Regulation No. 51 and the need for further work on this subject. He further reported that this view was also shared by ISO, which proposed to revise the ASEP provisions (GRB-64-04). 9. To progress in this area, GRB decided, subject to WP.29 consent, to establish an Informal Working Group (IWG) on ASEP and adopted its Terms of Reference (ToR) (GRB-64-23 and Rev.1), as reproduced in Annex III to this report. The experts from China, France, Germany, Hungary, Japan, Spain, IMMA, CLEPA and OICA expressed their interest in participating in the activities of IWG ASEP.
GRB-64-04 | Proposals to clarify the provisions of Regulation No. 51, Revision 3, Annex 7
Proposal to clarify the text in order to avoid misinterpretation.
GRB-64-16 | Information on Additional Sound Emission Provisions
GRB-64-23 | Draft Terms of Reference for the informal working group on Additional Sound Emission Provisions
Objectives and procedures for an informal working group to further develop Annex 7 and otherwise improve UN R51.
GRB-64-23/Rev.1 | Revised draft Terms of Reference for the informal working group on Additional Sound Emission Provisions
5. | Regulation No. 59 (Replacement silencing systems) |
10. No information was reported under this item. |
6. | Regulation No. 92 (Replacement exhaust silencing systems for motorcycles) |
11. GRB noted that the expert from EC had transmitted revised proposals for amendments to Regulation No. 92 (ECE/TRANS/WP.29/GRB/2016/5) and agreed to consider them under agenda item 8 in conjunction with proposals for amendments to Regulations Nos. 9 and 63 (ECE/TRANS/WP.29/GRB/2016/6 and ECE/TRANS/WP.29/GRB/2016/7, respectively).
GRB/2016/5 | Proposal for a Supplement to Regulation No. 92
Proposal to update the provisions of Regulation No. 92 to a level at least equivalent to the corresponding provisions in the European Union legislation. The document proposes improved terminology and definitions, including new ones, improved sound emission testing conditions and procedures. It also introduces anti-tampering provisions and an "Additional sound emission provisions" (ASEP) statement by the manufacturer.
GRB/2016/6 | Proposal for Supplement 3 to Regulation No. 9
Based on the outcomes of a European Commission study, proposal to clarify the text and align its provisions with other vehicle sound regulations, especially UN R41.
GRB/2016/7 | Proposal for a Supplement to Regulation No. 63
Based on the outcomes of a European Commission study, proposal to clarify the text and align its provisions with other vehicle sound regulations, especially UN R41, including to replace references to “two wheeled moped” with the term “L1 category vehicles” (and consequently to replace references to “moped” with “vehicle”) and to replace the term “noise” with “sound” (except for references to background noise) throughout the regulation. It proposes improved terminology and definitions, including new ones, improved sound emission testing conditions and procedures. It also introduces sound emission measurement through new testing of in use vehicles in motion.
7. | Regulation No. 117 (Tyre rolling noise and wet grip adhesion) |
12. The expert from the Netherlands recalled their earlier study on tyre performance (GRB-62-11 and Add.1) and presented the outcome of a new study on this subject. In addition to tyre noise, the new study addressed rolling resistance and wet grip for tyres sold in 2013-2016 in the Netherlands. According to the expert, the results had demonstrated a consistent trend for better performance in all aspects and tyre classes. Therefore, he proposed to tighten the limit values in the 02 series of amendments to Regulation No. 117 (GRB-62-11-Rev.1 and Add.1). 13. The expert from ETRTO made a reservation about the sampling of tyres in the Dutch study and drew the attention of GRB to the fact that the limit values in the 02 series of amendments to Regulation No. 117 had been introduced only in 2012 and that the transitional periods to comply with these limits were still ongoing. The expert from the Russian Federation argued in favour of setting new target values well in advance, in order to give the industry sufficient time to prepare for their introduction. The experts from Germany and OICA recalled the past experience in noise Regulations and pointed out that only tightening the tyre noise limits would not necessarily improve the real situation on the streets. The Chair shared their views and called for a more holistic approach prior to taking a decision. 14. GRB noted that the same proposals had been raised by the Netherlands at the EU level and that internal EU discussions were under way. GRB was of the view that the Working Party on Braking and Running Gear (GRRF), which also deals with Regulation No. 117, should be informed about the Dutch proposals. The expert from the Netherlands expressed his willingness to present the issue to GRRF. Finally, GRB agreed to revert to this subject at one of its future session, based on GRRF and EU deliberations.
GRB-62-11 | Proposal for amendments to the 02 series of amendments to Regulation 117
Proposal to increase the stringency of tyre noise limits from 1 November 2020.
GRB-62-11/Add.1 | Proposal for amendments to the 02 series of amendments to Regulation 117 (presentation)
Presentation in support of the proposal to increase the stringency of tyre noise limits from 1 November 2020.
8. | Collective amendments |
15. The expert from EC introduced revised proposals for amendments to Regulations Nos. 9, 63 and 92 (ECE/TRANS/WP.29/GRB/2016/6, ECE/TRANS/WP.29/GRB/2016/7, ECE/TRANS/WP.29/GRB/2016/5 and GRB-64-13). GRB adopted these proposals, subject to the following correction of references: ECE/TRANS/WP.29/GRB/2016/6, Annex 3, paragraph, last sentence, for 2.8 read 2.10. ECE/TRANS/WP.29/GRB/2016/7, Annex 3, paragraph, for 2.8 read 2.12. 16. GRB requested the secretariat to submit the above proposals to WP.29 and AC.1 for consideration and vote at their March 2017 sessions as a draft Supplement 3 to the 07 series of amendments to Regulation No. 9, a draft Supplement 3 to the 02 series of amendments to Regulation No. 63 and a draft Supplement 2 to the 01 series of amendments to Regulation No. 92.
GRB-64-13 | Amendment proposals for Regulation Nos. 9, 63 and 92
Presentation concerning the proposals to clarify and update the texts and to align their provisions and terms.
GRB/2016/5 | Proposal for a Supplement to Regulation No. 92
Proposal to update the provisions of Regulation No. 92 to a level at least equivalent to the corresponding provisions in the European Union legislation. The document proposes improved terminology and definitions, including new ones, improved sound emission testing conditions and procedures. It also introduces anti-tampering provisions and an "Additional sound emission provisions" (ASEP) statement by the manufacturer.
GRB/2016/6 | Proposal for Supplement 3 to Regulation No. 9
Based on the outcomes of a European Commission study, proposal to clarify the text and align its provisions with other vehicle sound regulations, especially UN R41.
GRB/2016/7 | Proposal for a Supplement to Regulation No. 63
Based on the outcomes of a European Commission study, proposal to clarify the text and align its provisions with other vehicle sound regulations, especially UN R41, including to replace references to “two wheeled moped” with the term “L1 category vehicles” (and consequently to replace references to “moped” with “vehicle”) and to replace the term “noise” with “sound” (except for references to background noise) throughout the regulation. It proposes improved terminology and definitions, including new ones, improved sound emission testing conditions and procedures. It also introduces sound emission measurement through new testing of in use vehicles in motion.
17. The expert from EC introduced additional amendments on powered cycles to Regulation No. 63 (GRB-64-11) and, to this end, also proposed to include new subcategories L1-A and L1-B in the Consolidated Resolution on the Construction of Vehicles (R.E.3) (GRB-64-18). The experts from Germany, Japan, Italy, Netherlands and IMMA requested more time to study the proposals and pointed out that R.E.3 would need first to be amended with the new definitions of powered cycles. GRB agreed to come back to this subject at the next session.
GRB-64-11 | Proposal for amendments to Regulation No. 63
Proposal to update and clarify the text and to align the text with other UN Regulations and adopted proposals.
GRB-64-18 | Proposal for an amendment to the Consolidated Resolution on the Construction of Vehicles (R.E.3)
Proposal to amend the classification criteria of L1-category vehicles (e.g., mopeds) under R.E.3 in line with technical progress.
9. | Exchange of information on national and international requirements on noise levels |
18. The expert from China gave an overview of the national implementation of the 03 series of amendments to Regulation No. 51 and related issues (GRB-64-24).
GRB-64-24 | Implementation of the 03 series of amendments to Regulation No. 51 in China
10. | Influence of road surface on tyre rolling sound emissions |
19. No new information was presented under this item. |
11. | Quiet road transport vehicles |
20. GRB noted that the draft Regulation on quiet road transport vehicles (QRTV) (ECE/TRANS/WP.29/2016/26) had been adopted by WP.29 and AC.1 at their March 2016 sessions and would enter into force as Regulation No. 138 in October 2016 (Depository Notification C.N.125.2016.TREATIES-XI.B.16 of 5 April 2016).
WP.29/2016/26 | Proposal for a new Regulation concerning the approval of quiet road transport vehicles
Proposal for the establishment of a new UN Regulation governing the approval of audible vehicle alerting systems for quiet vehicles moving at low speeds. This proposal can be considered as the first phase of the regulation. In response to concerns raised by the World Blind Union, GRB agreed to extend the mandate of the informal working group that developed this text in order to consider further measures to address the WBU concerns.
21. The expert from EC briefed GRB on how the technical and administrative provisions of Regulation No. 138 on the Acoustic Vehicle Alerting System (AVAS) requirements would be incorporated in Annex VIII to EU Regulation No. 540/2014 (GRB-64-19).
GRB-64-19 | EU regulation on acoustic vehicle alerting systems (AVAS)
22. The experts from Japan and OICA proposed an editorial change as well as further amendments to Regulation No. 138 to prohibit the pause function for AVAS (ECE/TRANS/WP.29/GRB/2016/8, ECE/TRANS/WP.29/GRB/2016/9 and GRB-64-03). These proposals were supported by the experts of Germany, Italy, Poland, United States of America and WBU. GRB adopted the proposals, as laid down in Annex V, and requested the secretariat to submit them WP.29 and AC.1 for consideration and vote at their March 2017 sessions as a draft Supplement 1 to the original series and a new draft 01 series of amendments to Regulation No. 138.
GRB-64-03 | Proposal for Supplement 1 to the 00 series and a proposal for the 01 series of amendments to Regulation No. 138
Proposal to refine the scope by replacing the phrase "can travel" by "can be propelled". The use of "travel" in the scope can be interpreted to include vehicles using using electrical systems for purposes other than propulsion (e.g., energy recuperation) that fall outside the test conditions of UN R138. The proposal further amends:<ol class="alpha"><li>Paragraph 2.7. to make clear the “pause function” refers to systems that allow the driver to deactivate an AVAS system;</li><li>Paragraph 6.2.6.: The vehicle operator shall not deactivate AVAS while driving. However, the manufacturer shall be enabled to activate or deactivate AVAS, including automatically, by regional coding according to legal provisions of various markets.</li><li>Paragraph 11.: the transitional provisions were added according to the rules of WP.29 for new series of amendments. Paragraph 11.6. has been added to maintain approvals that also comply with the new series of amendments, as is the case for vehicles that do not have a pause function according to the newly suggested paragraph 6.2.6.</li><li>Annex 1, Addendum to the communication form No …, Technical Information: technical information regarding “Pause switch (yes/no)” will be no longer necessary.</li></ol>
GRB/2016/8 | Proposal for the 01 series of amendments to Regulation No. 138
Proposal to prohibit the use of a pause function for the acoustic vehicle alert system.
GRB/2016/9 | Proposal for the 01 series of amendments to the new Regulation No. 138
Proposal to clarify the regulation with regard to propulsion of the vehicle (replace the term "travel"), definition of the "pause function" (including taking into account the Japanese proposal to prohibit the use of a pause function), and provisions for deactivating AVAS coding in accordance with local market requirements and under conditions outside the scope of the regulation.
23. The expert from France, in his capacity of Co-chair of the IWG on a Quiet Road Transport Vehicles (QRTV) Regulation under 1958 Agreement, reported on the status of QRTV-related work (GRB-64-14).
GRB-64-14 | Feedback from GRB members in order to plan a QRTV meeting
24. The expert from the United States of America, in his capacity of Chair of IWG on QRTV Global Technical Regulation (GTR), informed GRB that the national Rule on AVAS was expected to be published in October or November 2016 and that the AVAS pause switch would be prohibited in the national Rule. He further indicated that IWG on QRTV GTR, which had suspended its activities pending the publication of the United States Rule, would need more time to fulfil its mandated tasks. GRB invited its Chair to request WP.29, at its session in November 2016, to extend the mandate of IWG on QRTV GTR until December 2018. 25. The expert from OICA presented the outcome of their survey of owners (drivers) of a specific electric vehicle model on their experiences with AVAS (GRB-64-20 and GRB-64-21). GRB welcomed the study and called for more AVAS surveys, in particular of vulnerable road users (e.g. cyclists, pedestrians, blind or people with impaired vision).
GRB-64-20 | OICA questionnaire regarding acoustic vehicle alerting systems (AVAS)
GRB-64-21 | Results of the OICA/Renault survey regarding acoustic vehicle alerting systems (AVAS)
12. | Acronyms and abbreviations in Regulations under the responsibility of GRB |
26. GRB recalled the WP.29 request to introduce, in the medium term, an alternative acronym for ‘Replacement Exhaust Silencing System’ (RESS) in Regulation No. 92 (WP.29-165-16). GRB noted that this issue was addressed in document ECE/TRANS/WP.29/GRB/2016/5 adopted at this session (see para. 15 above).
GRB/2016/5 | Proposal for a Supplement to Regulation No. 92
Proposal to update the provisions of Regulation No. 92 to a level at least equivalent to the corresponding provisions in the European Union legislation. The document proposes improved terminology and definitions, including new ones, improved sound emission testing conditions and procedures. It also introduces anti-tampering provisions and an "Additional sound emission provisions" (ASEP) statement by the manufacturer.
WP.29-165-16 | Definitions and acronyms/abbreviations in Vehicle Regulations
Status report on the work to harmonize definitions and terms.
13. | Proposal for amendments to the Consolidated Resolution on the Construction of Vehicles |
27. GRB noted that the draft proposal by the expert from the European Commission (GRB-64-18) was addressed under agenda item 8 (para. 17 above). 28. The expert from OICA indicated the need to include new definitions on special vehicles into the Consolidated Resolution on the Construction of Vehicles (R.E.3). He added that OICA would submit proposals to the GRSG session in October 2016.
GRB-64-18 | Proposal for an amendment to the Consolidated Resolution on the Construction of Vehicles (R.E.3)
Proposal to amend the classification criteria of L1-category vehicles (e.g., mopeds) under R.E.3 in line with technical progress.
14. | Development of the International Whole Vehicle Type Approval (IWVTA) system |
29. GRB was informed that WP.29, at its June 2016 session, had noted no objection to Revision 3 of the 1958 Agreement from the Contracting Parties and that the European Union had offered to formally transmit the revised Agreement (ECE/TRANS/WP.29/2016/2) to the United Nations Office for Legal Affairs (OLA). The secretariat also briefed GRB on the recent activities of the Subgroup on UN Regulation No. 0 on IWVTA and about the development of an electronic database for the exchange of type approval documentation (DETA).
WP.29/2016/2 | Proposal for Revision 3 of the 1958 Agreement
Document prepared by the WP.29 secretariat to provide a consolidated updated version of the proposed Revision 3 to the 1958 Agreement. The secretariat anticipates a decision by the World Forum to seek unanimous agreement on this proposed final text during its March 2016 session.
15. | Highlights of the March and June 2016 sessions of WP.29 |
30. The secretariat reported on the highlights of the 168th and 169th sessions of WP.29 (GRB-64-12).
GRB-64-12 | General information and WP.29 highlights for the 64th GRB session
16. | Exchange of views regarding the future work of GRB |
31. The expert from ISO reported on the progress of standard ISO 362-3 on indoor testing of pass-by noise (GRB-64-07). The expert from OICA stressed the importance of including indoor testing as an alternative to type approval tests of Annex 3 to Regulation No. 51, in particular for vehicle manufacturers in countries where the local weather conditions allow the use of outdoor test tracks only for a limited period per year. The expert of Germany pointed out that, at this stage, it would be premature to replace type approval tests with indoor testing. To make progress, GRB invited the experts from ISO and OICA to prepare for the next session an informal document with draft amendment proposals to Regulation No. 51 that would include ISO 362-3.
GRB-64-07 | ISO 362-3 Indoor testing of pass-by noise
ISO update on noise testing standard
32. The Chair presented a revised list of possible issues for the future GRB activities compiled at the third informal meeting in July 2016 (GRB-64-08). The expert from Japan proposed modifications to the time limits of some activities listed in this document. The expert from France presented proposals to improve efficiency of road vehicle noise Regulations by tackling such issues as day-to-day and track-to-track dispersion between measurements and different interpretations of the same text (GRB-64-15). The expert from EC proposed to include three additional points related to L-category vehicles (GRB-64-17). The expert from OICA reported on a meeting between ETRTO and OICA which concluded that a harmonized test procedure for tyre and vehicle noise measurements would be beneficial for industry and environment. Finally, GRB invited all experts to submit their comments in writing to the Chair and requested the Chair to update the list accordingly.
GRB-64-08 | Subjects for future consideration by the Working Party on Noise
GRB-64-15 | Some proposals to improve efficiency of road vehicle noise regulations
GRB-64-17 | Future work of GRB and points related to L-category vehicles
17. | Other business |
33. GRB was informed that WP.29, at its March and June 2016 sessions, had had a discussion on the performance of automotive systems, in particular the ones relying on software, in conditions other than those tested during the type approval test procedures (WP.29-168-15 and WP.29-169-13). WP.29 had requested its subsidiary Working Parties to give feedback on the issue. GRB invited its experts to provide comments and decided to revert to this matter at the next session.
WP.29-168-15 | The performance of automotive systems in conditions other than those tested in the framework of type-approval or self-certification
Brief summary of GRRF discussions related to the performance of products in conditions outside the scope of test procedures (i.e., assuring satisfactory performance under all normal road conditions). GRRF agreed with Russia that this issue should be put before the full World Forum.
WP.29-169-13 | Performance of automotive systems in conditions other than those tested
Paper by the WP.29 secretariat to outline possibilities for regulatory provisions covering the performance of automotive systems under conditions other than those tested in the framework of type-approval or self-certification, with TPMS as a case study.
34. GRB took note that Dr. Ichiro Samamoto (Japan) had changed his position and would no longer attend its sessions. GRB thanked him for his contributions and wished him success in the future. 35. GRB was informed that Mr. Pierre Laurent (CLEPA) would retire and no longer attend its sessions. GRB acknowledged his contributions and wished him a happy retirement. |
18. | Provisional agenda for the sixty-fifth session |
36. For its sixty-fifth session, scheduled to be held in Geneva from 15 (starting at 2.30 p.m.) to 17 (concluding at 5.30 p.m.) February 2017, GRB noted that the deadline for the submission of official documents to the secretariat would be 18 November 2016, twelve weeks prior to the session. The following provisional agenda was adopted: 1. Adoption of the agenda. |
19. | Election of officers |
37. In compliance with Rule 37 of the Rules of Procedure (TRANS/WP.29/690 and ECE/TRANS/WP.29/690/Amend.1), GRB called for the election of officers. The representatives of the Contracting Parties, present and voting, elected unanimously Mr. Serge Ficheux (France) as Chair and Mr. Andrei Bocharov (Russian Federation) as Vice-Chair for the sessions of GRB scheduled for the year 2017. |