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Some proposals to improve efficiency of road vehicle noise regulations
Document GRB-64-15
5 September 2016
Submitted by France
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Previous Documents, Discussions, and Outcomes
16. | Exchange of views regarding the future work of GRB

32. The Chair presented a revised list of possible issues for the future GRB activities compiled at the third informal meeting in July 2016 (GRB-64-08). The expert from Japan proposed modifications to the time limits of some activities listed in this document. The expert from France presented proposals to improve efficiency of road vehicle noise Regulations by tackling such issues as day-to-day and track-to-track dispersion between measurements and different interpretations of the same text (GRB-64-15). The expert from EC proposed to include three additional points related to L-category vehicles (GRB-64-17). The expert from OICA reported on a meeting between ETRTO and OICA which concluded that a harmonized test procedure for tyre and vehicle noise measurements would be beneficial for industry and environment. Finally, GRB invited all experts to submit their comments in writing to the Chair and requested the Chair to update the list accordingly.

17. | Other business
Relates to UN R51 | UN R117 |