Working Party on Passive Safety | Session 53 | 13-17 May 2013
Agenda Item 21. (b)
1997 Agreement (Inspections)–Development of Rule No. 2

49. GRSP endorsed ECE/TRANS/WP.29/2013/32, not amended, aimed at reducing differences between UN Rule No. 2 (roadworthiness) and the corresponding EU directives. GRSP requested the secretariat to submit the proposal to WP.29 as draft Revision 1 to UN Rule No. 2. GRSP also considered ECE/TRANS/WP.29/2013/64 (draft Revision 2 to Rule No. 1(environment)), for the safety aspect related to the fluid leaks. GRSP did not raise any comment to the proposal.

WP.29/2013/32 Proposal for draft amendments to Rule No. 2
WP.29/2013/64 Proposal for Revision 2 to Rule No. 1 (Russia)