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Proposal for Revision 2 to Rule No. 1
Document WP.29/2013/64
11 April 2013

Text prepared by the Russian Federation and the International Motor Vehicle Inspection Committee (CITA) to align the provisions of Rule No. 1 with Rule No. 2, the latest UN Regulations, and with EU Directives. The draft amendments concern: (i) harmonization of the structure of the Rule No. 1 with Rule No. 2 (Roadworthiness), (ii) introduction of vehicle categories M1 and N1 and trailer categories O2, O3 and O4, and (iii) introduction of inspection methods, defect assessment and current state of practices.

Submitted by Russia
Status: Superseded
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Previous Documents, Discussions, and Outcomes
7.2. Update of UN Rules Nos. 1 and 2

82. The representative of Italy, Chair of GRSG, informed the World Forum that his group had endorsed two corrigenda to the draft amendments of UN Rules Nos. 1 and 2, respectively WP.29-160-11 to ECE/TRANS/WP.29/2013/64 (UN Rule No. 1–environment) and WP.29-160-12 to ECE/TRANS/WP.29/2013/32 (UN Rule No. 2–roadworthiness). The representative of the United Kingdom, Chair of GRRF, recalled that his group recommended deferring the adoption of the amendment to UN Rule No. 2 awaiting the final revision of the corresponding EU Directive 2010/48/EU to fully harmonize them. The representative of the Russian Federation noted that other GRs endorsed, in principle, the two proposals. He volunteered to update them in cooperation with CITA and other CPs to the Agreement, integrating the comments received.

Relates to Rule No. 1 |