Working Party on Noise | Session 63 | 16-18 Feb 2016
Agenda Item 11.
Quiet road transport vehicles

16. The experts from France and Germany, in their capacity of Co-chairs of the Informal Working Group (IWG) on a Quiet Road Transport Vehicles (QRTV) Regulation under 1958 Agreement, reported on the status of QRTV-related work (GRB-63-13). GRB noted that WP.29, at its March 2016 session, would consider a draft QRTV Regulation (ECE/TRANS/WP.29/2016/26). At its November 2015 session, WP.29 decided to extend the mandate IWG on QRTV Regulation with a view to addressing concerns raised by WBU (ECE/TRANS/WP.29/1118, paras. 24, 100-102), namely sound pressure levels, optional installation of the Acoustic Vehicle Alerting System (AVAS) pause switches and sound emissions when stationary. IWG on QRTV Regulation would also consider the possible extension of the scope of the QRTV regulation to vehicles of L categories.

17. To reflect the above new tasks, the experts from France and Germany proposed to update the Terms of Reference (ToR) of IWG on QRTV Regulation (GRB-63-14). GRB adopted the revised ToR, as reproduced in Annex VII.

18. The expert from the United States of America, in his capacity of Chair of IWG on QRTV Global Technical Regulation (GTR), informed GRB that the national Rule on AVAS would be published in his country in the coming months and that, following the publication, he would convene a session of IWG on QRTV GTR. He also indicated that the AVAS pause switch would be prohibited in the national Rule.

19. The expert from Japan pointed out that AVAS is of critical importance for the safety of cyclists and pedestrians, especially of people with impaired vision, and proposed amendments to the draft QRTV Regulation prohibiting the pause function (GRB-63-12). The expert from WBU supported this proposal and expressed his concerns about the pause switch that would allow defeat of the safety device. GRB noted that the wording of the proposal might be improved and invited the expert from Japan to submit an updated text as an official document for consideration at the next session.

GRB-62-08/Rev.2 GRB subjects for the future
GRB-63-12 Proposal for amendments to Regulation [138] concerning the approval of quiet road transport vehicles (QRTV) (Japan)
GRB-63-13 Status of QRTV work and Regulation
GRB-63-14 Revised Terms of Reference of IWG QRTV Regulation
GRB/2015/9 Proposal for a new Regulation concerning the approval of quiet road transport vehicles
WP.29/2016/26 Proposal for a new Regulation concerning the approval of quiet road transport vehicles