Working Party on General Safety | Session 109 | 29 Sep-2 Oct 2015
Agenda Item 23.

61. GRSG noted the information by the secretariat about the forthcoming workshop for sustainable mobility and the mitigation of climate change, scheduled to be held in Bordeaux (France) on 7 October 2015 (GRSG-109-07).

62. The expert from Germany informed GRSG about the outcome of a study carried out by the Federal Highway Research Institute (BASt) on blind spot accidents of heavy goods vehicles. GRSG welcomed the information and the results of the study. GRSG noted general support to develop a new regulation on the installation on heavy goods vehicles of driver assistance systems to avoid blind spot accidents.

63. The expert from Germany announced his intention to submit to GRSG a proposal for such a new regulation, for consideration at the next GRSG session. GRSG agreed to keep GRSG-109-19 as a reference document under a new agenda item on the development of a new regulation on Advanced Driver Assist Systems (ADAS).

64. GRSG noted that Mr. Masahito Yamashita (Japan) would no longer attend the sessions and acknowledged his continued support during the recent years of participation in GRSG. GRSG wished him all the best for his future activities.

65. Learning that Mr. Matyas Matolcsy (Hungary) was retiring, GRSG thanked him for his considerable contributions over the last four decades to the activities of GRSG and especially his dedication since 2001 as Vice-Chair of GRSG. GRSG recognized his commitments with a long applause and wished him a long and happy retirement.

GRSG-109-07 ITS workshop on sustainable mobility and the mitigation of climate change
GRSG-109-19 Information on requirements for driver assistance systems for heavy goods vehicles addressing blind spot accidents (Germany)