Working Party on Brakes and Running Gear | Session 80 | 15-18 Sep 2015
Agenda Item 13. (b)
Definitions and Acronyms

66. The secretariat reported that GRSP was using the abbreviation “VSF” as “Vehicle Seat Fixture” and proposed to stop using “VSF” as “vehicle stability function”. GRRF didn’t support this idea as “VSF” was not only used as an abbreviation but also VSF is part of an approval mark for certain vehicles type-approved according to Regulation No. 13.

GRRF-76-03 Abbreviations and Acronyms used in the UN Regulations of GRSP, GRRF (and other GRs) (1958 Agreement)
GRRF-78-04 Definitions in Regulations under the responsibility of GRRF
GRRF-80-11 Proposal for corrigendum to Regulation No. 13 (Hungary and Netherlands)