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Proposal for corrigendum to Regulation No. 13
Document GRRF-80-11
11 September 2015

Proposal to correct errors and remove inconsistencies in the current regulatory text, including a correction to the formula used in Annex 12, Appendix 4 “Test report on the compatibility of the inertia brake control device, the transmission and the brakes on the trailer”.

Submitted by Hungary and Netherlands
Status: Superseded
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Previous Documents, Discussions, and Outcomes
3. (c) Clarifications

14. The expert from Hungary introduced GRRF-80-11 drafted together with the expert from the Netherlands and containing several corrections. GRRF requested the secretariat to distribute this document with an official symbol at the February 2016 session of GRRF.

13. (b) Definitions and Acronyms
Relates to UN R13 |