77. The World Forum noted the consolidated document on the status of the Agreement (ECE/TRANS/WP.29/1073/Rev.13).
78. The representative of the United States of America introduced informal document WP.29-166-17. He explained that the document intended to improve the implementation of the 1998 Agreement and not to amend it. To that end, he listed several initial ideas for the Forum’s consideration. The representatives of EU and Japan invited all stakeholders and Contracting Parties to provide comments on the document. The representative of EU further added that some of the suggestions in the document could be implemented instantaneously. That would be a first step to improve collective actions for the application of the Agreement. The representative from India underlined the role and the interest of her country in the Agreement and proposed to share their experience in implementing gtrs in national law. The representative of CLEPA/JAPIA/MEMA showed support for initiative to improve the good functioning of the 1998 Agreement. The representative of the United States of America volunteered to receive comments on the document so as to provide a revised version at the November 2015 session of AC.3. WP.29 decided that the document would be further discussed at AC.3 under item 13.
79. WP.29 agreed that agenda items 5.2 to 5.5 should be considered by AC.3.