14. The expert from GTB proposed to clarify the application of paragraph on separating the rear direction indicator lamps and stop lamps (ECE/TRANS/WP.29/GRE/2015/3 and GRE-73-15). The experts of France, Germany, Japan and UK did not support this proposal and pointed out that it was not sufficiently clear and allowed different interpretations. GRE invited GTB to revise the proposal based on the comments received.
15. The expert of GTB presented a proposal to introduce optional variable intensity Daytime Running Lamps (DRL) into Regulations No. 48 (ECE/TRANS/WP.29/GRE/2015/4), together with a proposal to introduce these DRL into Regulation No. 87 (ECE/TRANS/WP.29/GRE/2015/13) (agenda item 7 (g)). Compared to the current DRL with one level of performance between 400 and 1,200 cd for all ambient conditions, the variable intensity DRL were proposed to have several levels of performance between 200 and 2,000 cd, depending on ambient light conditions.
16. The experts from France and Italy were not in a position to accept this proposal. The experts from Germany, Finland, Netherlands, Poland and UK supported the basic concept of variable DRL and suggested some modifications. GRE also recalled that WP.29 urged GRE to find, in close cooperation with all stakeholders, a solution for DRL for the purpose of listing Regulation No. 48 in an annex to UN Regulation No. 0 (IVWTA) (ECE/TRANS/WP.29/1112, para. 43). In this context, the expert from Japan informed GRE that his country was not in a position to support the GTB proposal on road safety concerns for motorcycles, because the figure of 2,000 lm was too high. He also stated that Japan did not want to impede IVWTA and had launched a study on DRL whose outcome would be reported to GRE at the next session. GRE invited GTB to take into account the comments received and to prepare, in cooperation with Japan and other stakeholders, a revised proposal for the next session of GRE.