Task Force on the GTR 9 Legform Bumper Test Area | Session 7 | 29 Aug 2014
Web Conference
Agenda Item 6.
Discussion on the new test procedure
TF-BTA-07-03 ACEA position for re-definition of bumper test area under GTR No. 9 (ACEA)
TF-BTA-07-04 ACEA proposal for amendments to GTR No. 9 (ACEA)
TF-BTA-07-05 Japan comments concerning the bumper test area under GTR No. 9 (JASIC)
TF-BTA-07-06 Issues of FlexPLI Impact Against Angled Surface under GTR No. 9 (JASIC)
TF-BTA-07-07 Pedestrian Protection: Lower Leg Oblique Impact-Comparison of THUMS vs. FlexPLI Cruciate Ligaments (ACL, PCL) (BMW)
TF-BTA-07-08 Comparison of the FlexPLI Knee Element with a Human Knee (VDA)
TF-BTA-07-09 Pedestrian Protection: Injury Risk of Lower Leg outside of 30° Tangent-Area (Audi)
TF-BTA-07-09/Rev.1 Pedestrian Protection: Injury Risk of Lower Leg outside of 30° Tangent-Area: Updated version (Audi)
TF-BTA-07-10 JASIC opinion on the definition of the bumper test area using the FlexPLI impactor (JASIC)
TF-BTA-07-11 Pedestrian Protection: Testing Outside Bumper Corners (BASt)
TF-BTA-07-12 Pedestrian Protection: Assessment of Proposals for the Determination of the Bumper Test Area and the Test Execution (VDA)