Proposal for Supplement 12 to the 11 series of amendments to Regulation No. 13 (Heavy vehicle braking)
European Commission unable to formally consider the editorial correction proposed by the WP.29 secretariat. Therefore, the EC does not have authority to approve the combined package of proposals. Therefore, the vote on adoption must be postponed.
Proposal for amendments to the draft Supplement 12 to the 11 series of amendments to UN Regulation No. 13
Proposal for amendments to the draft Supplement 12 to the 11 series of amendments to UN Regulation No. 13
Amendment to correct the omission of text concerning the transitional provisions.
Proposal for Supplement 12 to the 11 series of amendments to Regulation No. 13
Proposal for Supplement 12 to the 11 series of amendments to Regulation No. 13
Proposal to update the transitional provisions of UN R13, including provisions for extensions of type approvals granted according to the antecedent requirements of the original approval. These amendments also relate to the transfer of brake-related telltale provisions to UN R121. The proposal also would clarify and align UN R13 with UN R107 on bus construction with regard to the exemption of articulated buses and coaches from the requirements for vehicle stability equipment. These proposals are based on documents GRRF/2014/7 and GRRF-76-20 as amended and reproduced in Annex II of the report of the GRRF on its 76th session.