Working Party on General Safety | Session 126 | 10-13 Oct 2023
Agenda Item 2.
Amendments to Regulations on Buses and Coaches

3. The expert from Spain informed GRSG that the Working Party on Passive Safety (GRSP) would consider, at its December 2023 session, a proposal (ECE/TRANS/WP.29/GRSP/2023/30) of revised terms of references (ToRs) for IWG on Safer Transport of Children in Buses and Coaches (IWG-STCBC). The expert from Germany, on behalf of the Chair of IWG-STCBC, introduced a presentation (GRSG-126-05) on the work progress. He confirmed that the new UN Regulation prepared by IWG-STCBC would deal with existing systems used in passenger cars, favouring built-in Child Restraint Systems (CRS) and Enhanced CRS that were type approved according to UN Regulation No. 129 (ECRS). In the meantime, he confirmed that the second phase of the UN Regulation would entail CRS in combination with two-point safety belts. He clarified that separate components on CRS for installation would not be allowed, nor combination of two-point belts and top tether or support leg. Finally, he explained the ongoing and upcoming IWG activities on test procedures. GRSG agreed to resume consideration on this subject at its April 2024 session and endorsed the revised IWG ToR (ECE/TRANS/WP.29/GRSP/2023/30) without amendments. The GRSG Chair encouraged GRSG experts to liaise with GRSP to backup this activity.

4. The experts of UITP introduced a proposal of amendments to UN Regulation (GRSG-126-08) in presentation (GRSG-126-29). The experts from UITP underlined that notwithstanding that more buses had become increasingly accessible, a significant number of passengers with restricted mobility still complain about accessibility. They added that specific tests in real-life situations showed that, even in buses that comply with the latest regulation, the journey of passengers with restricted mobility could remain a challenge. The expert from the United Kingdom underlined that not only large buses should be addressed in this endeavour, but also Class B (vehicles not designed to carry standing passengers) buses used for the purposes of charity. Finally, GRSG agreed to establish a “Task Force on Bus and Coach Accessibility” led by the expert from Germany, and to resume discussion at the April 2024 GRSG session, based on the follow-up work of the Task Force (TF).

5. GRSG noted GRSG-126-28 from the expert of Norway, announcing an assessment study conducted by his country on the extent of bus collisions in Europe. He added that the results of this assessment would then be the basis of a comprehensive technical study, which would include specific proposals to enhance collision safety for buses. GRSG agreed to resume discussion following the study outcome at its April 2024 session.

6. Finally, GRSG adopted GRSG-126-36, as reproduced in annex II to the report, on aligning the French translation with the English text of the UN Regulation. GRSP requested the secretariat to submit the proposal as draft Corrigendum 2 to the 06 series of amendments to UN Regulation No. 107 for consideration and vote at the March 2024 session of WP.29.

GRSG-125-32 Commercial Vehicle Safety Priorities-Ranking of future priorities in the UK (TRL and UK)
GRSG-126-05 STCBC informal group status report to GRSG (Spain)
GRSG-126-28 Frontal protection in buses (Norway)
GRSG-126-36 UN R107: Proposal for a Corrigendum to the 06 through 10 series of amendments (France)
GRSP/2023/30 Safer Transport of Children in Buses and Coaches: Progress report and new Terms of Reference (Spain)