157. The representative of Japan reported on the ESV Conference that took place 3-6 April 2023 in Yokohama, Japan. He stated that approximately 1400 people from over 20 countries joined ESV 2023 and highlighted the plenary sessions on Aging Society, the special sessions on vehicle cybersecurity and safe systems approach, the United States Government awards and the student safety technology design competition, among others. Japan expressed its appreciation to the United States of America for the successful conference and thanks Canada for agreeing to host the ESV conference next year.
158. The representative of Canada advised that the next ESV Conference will be jointly hosted by Canada and NHTSA in Canada (location to be defined) and invited industry to participate as exhibitor. He pointed out that discussions and information sharing was important, where ESV played an essential role, also for making sure that regulations were rooted in evidence. The United States expressed its appreciation to Japan and Canada for their leadership on ESV.