World Forum for the Harmonization of Vehicle Regulations | Session 190 | 19-22 Jun 2023
Agenda Item 2.2.

18. The Secretary of WP.29 introduced the list of GRs, Informal Working Groups and Chairs (WP.29-190-01) and the draft calendar of meetings of the World Forum for 2023 (WP.29-190-02) and for 2024 (WP.29-190-14).

19. The representative of ITU asked the secretariat to explore possibilities for moving the September 2024 session of either GRVA or the Global Forum for Road Traffic Safety (WP.1) by one week, to avoid overlap of these sessions, currently scheduled for the same week.

20. The WP.29 Secretary presented ECE/TRANS/WP.29/2023/1/Rev.2, the revised Programme of Work (PoW) based on agreed priorities following discussions at GRs, AC.2 and previous sessions of WP.29.

21. WP.29 agreed to the organisation of an (informal) GRVA session on 20-24 May 2024 in the United States of America in lieu of the session planned for May 2024 in Geneva. The Secretary informed the group that the secretariat would explore possibilities to hold the meeting at the UN premises in New York.

WP.29-190-01 WP.29: Working Parties, Informal Working Groups and Chairs on 15 June 2023
WP.29-190-02 WP.29: 2023 calendar of Forum and working party sessions
WP.29-190-14 Draft calendar of WP.29 sessions for 2024
WP.29/2023/1/Rev.1 WP.29: Programme of Work of the World Forum for Harmonization of Vehicle Regulations and its Subsidiary Bodies