Working Party on Automated and Connected Vehicles | Session 14 | 26-30 Sep 2022
Agenda Item 4. (f)
Other (ADS-related) business

57. The expert from China presented GRVA-14-19, with the views of China on open issues to be addressed for effectively tackling ADS performance assessment and testing, as well as with other suggestions. The expert from Canada recalled the leadership function of the expert from China at IWG on FRAV and the possibilities for her to bring these suggestions to the attention of her group, directly. He invited China to share suggestions directly with the IWG on VMAD subgroup one. The expert from the United States of America echoed Canada’s comments. The expert from China clarified that, for the sake of good governance, China preferred to share these considerations with GRVA, the formal and parent body of IWGs on FRAV and VMAD, first. GRVA noted these considerations, that would be cascaded down to the IWGs.

58. The expert from SAFE presented GRVA-14-08, introducing the Association for Standardization of Automation and Measuring Systems (ASAM) informing the community on the release of ASAM OpenSCENARIO® 2.0.0, including a new scenario description language and supplying tools and mechanisms for regulators to communicate with developers, for better ADS safety assurance validation, testing and certification.

GRVA-14-08 Update on the development of ADS standards (SAFE)
GRVA-14-19 Open issues for Automated Driving Assessment Test and Suggestions (CATARC)
GRVA-14-35 FRAV informal group status report to GRVA
GRVA-14-41 Automated Vehicles – Regulatory Screening (AVRS) of UN Regulations and GTRs under responsibility of GRSG (Netherlands)
GRVA-14-53 Automated Vehicles-Regulatory Screening (AVRS) of UN Regulations and GTRs: Scope of the study (France, Germany, and Netherlands)
GRVA-14-54/Rev.1 Automated Vehicles Regulatory Screening of UN Regulations and GTRs - Guidance
WP.1-84-06 Optical and/or audible signals in DAS and ADS vehicles (IFP)