18. The expert from the United States of America, Co-Chair of the IWG on FRAV, presented GRVA-15-35/Rev.1 containing the status report of the group. He explained the interim deliverables to be expected from the group during the following six months, he detailed the current activities on the Dynamic Driving Task (DDT) performance criteria, he mentioned the coordination efforts with the IWG on Validation Methods for Automated Driving (VMAD), using a matrix of ADS requirements and validation methods for that purpose and reported on the IGEAD/FRAV workshop that took place on 7-8 November 2022 in The Hague (Netherlands), which identified four areas of common interest.
19. He pointed at GRVA-15-36, which provided draft terms and definitions to support WP.29 activities.
20. GRVA endorsed the progress report from the IWG on FRAV.