Working Party on Pollution and Energy | Session 87 | 10-13 Jan 2023
Agenda Item 9. (b)
Other activities of IWG on EVE

73. The representative from the US, Co-Chair of the IWG on EVE presented the status report introducing the latest activities of the group (GRPE-87-52). With respect to UN GTR No. 21, the representative from OICA agreed that all gaps should be bridged to account for the fact that the whole vehicle is being tested and not a powertrain in a laboratory. Regarding UN GTR No. 22, he raised the remaining issue of category 2 vehicles that would need urgent action. He proposed to consider the possibility to look at energy throughput as a potential solution to take into consideration the high non-driving energy demand in some applications. The Co-Chair of the IWG on EVE agreed and confirmed the IWG on EVE has a common understanding on the remaining issues to be solved in UN GTRs Nos. 21 and 22.

74. The Co-Chair of the IWG on EVE introduced ECE/TRANS/WP.29/GRPE/2023/8. The representative from OICA highlighted the need to deep dive into the testing procedure and praised the progress made so far. The Co-Chair of the IWG on EVE congratulated the productive work from the IWG on this matter, especially the constructive collaboration between the members from OICA and the representatives from the European Commission from JRC to deliver on the procedure in a timely matter.

75. GRPE adopted ECE/TRANS/WP.29/GRPE/2023/8 and requested the secretariat to submit them to WP.29 and AC.3 for consideration and vote at their June 2023 sessions as request for authorization to develop a new UN GTR on in-vehicle battery durability for electrified heavy-duty vehicles.

76. The Co-Chair of the IWG on EVE introduced GRPE-87-42-Rev.1. GRPE adopted GRPE-87-42-Rev.1 as revised Terms of References for the IWG on EVE.

GRPE-87-42/Rev.1 Proposal to update the EVE informal group terms of reference
GRPE-87-52 Status report of the EVE informal group
GRPE/2023/8 Heavy-duty EV battery durability: Draft request for authorization to develop a new UN GTR (Canada, China, EC, Japan, UK, and USA)