World Forum for the Harmonization of Vehicle Regulations | Session 187 | 20-24 Jun 2022
Agenda Item 2.2.
Programme of work and documentation

25. The Secretary of WP.29 introduced the list of Working Parties, Informal Working Groups and Chairs (WP.29-187-01) and invited delegations to communicate any changes. An updated version is reproduced in Annex X of the session report. He introduced a revision of the draft calendar of meetings for 2022 (WP.29-186-02/Rev.2 not available) and informed WP.29 about the still existing possibility to host the meetings, scheduled for the second half of 2022, in a hybrid format due to the ongoing COVID-19 travel restrictions in some countries. He introduced the draft calendar of meetings of the World Forum for 2023 (WP.29-187-02), scheduled as in person meetings as currently there was no budget available for hybrid meetings. He presented the revised Programme of Work (PoW), reflecting the current activities of WP.29 and its subsidiary working groups. (ECE/TRANS/WP.29/2022/1/Rev.1).

26. The representatives of the People’s Republic of China expressed concern with the dates of the January 2023 session of GRVA due to national holidays and asked that these dates be readjusted to enable their full participation at this event.

27. WP.29 expressed its preference to organize hybrid meetings in the future, as the situation related to COVID-19 is still not stable in all areas globally. WP.29 valued the hybrid format as it allowed for easier participation of delegations from more remote areas.

28. The Secretary introduced rules and guidelines for the nomination and voting of Chairs and Vice-Chairs under the current situation (WP.29-187-18), relevant for WP.29 and its subsidiary bodies.

29. WP.29 noted the rules and guidelines for nomination and election of Chairs and Vice-Chairs and requested GRs to carefully implement them.

30. WP.29 recalled that the 2022 Programme of Work had been adopted at its March 2022 session and welcomed its update.

31. The representative of the European Commission introduced informal document WP.29-187-25, a proposal prepared by the European Commission regarding a IPR policy. He stressed that this document was not agreed on by AC.2 and invited the representatives of the WP.29 member States to share their feedback with him. The representatives from Canada and the United States of America stated that more time would be needed to examine this document and the potentially new process.

32. WP.29 invited all the representatives to examine the informal document and send their feedback to the representatives of the European Commission to enable progress in the next meeting of AC.2 and WP.29 on this proposal.

WP.29-187-01 World Forum (WP.29): Working Parties, Informal Working Groups and Chairs on 10 June 2022
WP.29-187-02 Draft calendar of WP.29 and subsidiary GR sessions for 2023
WP.29-187-18 Nomination/Voting of Chair/Vice-Chairs under current situation
WP.29-187-25 Intellectual Property Rights Policy (EC)
WP.29/2022/1/Rev.1 Programme of Work of the World Forum/WP.29 and its Subsidiary Bodies