Electric Vehicles and the Environment | Session 7 | 17-18 Oct 2013
Agenda Item 3.
Update on the work of other GRPE IWG

7. Mr. Kazuyuki Narusawa, presented document EVE-07-16e summarizing past and future planned activities of the WLTP. Mr. Kazuyuki Narusawa further explained two remaining points for discussion regarding electric vehicles in phase 1b of the WLTP; namely utility factors and phase dependence. The presentation was followed by substantial discussions on the effect or considerations for a number of attributes that may affect EVs performance differently than ICEs. Mr. Kazuyuki Narusawa confirmed phase 1 of GTR was on track for consideration at special GRPE in November 2013, and subsequent vote for approval at WP.29 in March 2014. Mr. William Coleman echoed the comments and further added that the electric vehicle portion needed more work in phase 1b or 2.

8. The Co-Chair of the EVS IWG, Ms. Chunmei Chen, summarized the activities and next steps of the working group, focusing on the successes of the recent meeting on October 15 and 16, 2013 in Beijing. The group is continuing to work towards the development of a GTR that would ensure the same safety to EVs and ICEs. Drafting of the GTR is almost complete and the group expect to resolve a list of 22 action items to complete GTR by the next meeting. The next and 5th meeting is planned for Washington before March 2014. The 6th meeting would be in either Korea or Japan. It is expected that the GTR will be developed in a 2-phase approach using only available information to meet current timelines and 2) develop a complete GTR with a longer timeline. Mr. Johan Renders confirmed intent to complete GTR by end of 2014 and congratulated Ms. Chunmei Chen for progress made during meeting.

9. Mr. William Coleman, on behalf of the Chair of the VPSD, presented an update on the activities of the group. Mr. Coleman reported that the group had a meeting in February 2013 and conference call in April 2013, but no other formal activity since that time. Mr. Coleman further added that Mr. Christoph Albus was reviewing the terminology in the EVE reference guide for consistency with VPSD and that definitions discussed by VPSD were also considered in drafting of the WLTP gtr. Mr. Coleman did not know when a new draft document would be circulated, but encouraged EVE leadership to reach out directly to VPSD to continue collaboration as confirmed by Secretary in Action 2 above.

10. Mr. Stéphane Couroux, on behalf of the HDH IWG Chair, presented document EVE-07-12 summarizing the activities of the group. Mr. Couroux reported that the HDH continues to work on a draft procedure with the objective of presenting proposal as a new annex to GTR no 4 for the next GRPE meeting in January 2014, with the aim of eventual adoption at WP.29 in November 2014. The participants were also informed of the outcome of the last meeting in Geneva on June 4, 2013. The next meetings of HDH IWG are planned for October 24-25, 2013 in San Francisco (15th meeting) and January 2014 in Geneva (16th meeting). Mr. Couroux confirmed there was no immediate need for support from EVE IWG, but that two groups would continue to closely collaborate.

11. Mr. Stéphane Couroux, on behalf of the Chair EPPR IWG, presented document EVE-07-13 summarizing the activities of the group. Mr. Couroux reminded participants that the group has a mandate to work both under the 98th agreement and under the 58th agreement, and provided highlights of the 3rd EPPR meeting in Geneva on June 2013 as well as the 4th meeting recently held in Pune, India on October 8-9, 2013. The next meetings of the EPPR group will be held on January 8, 2014 in conjunction with GRPE and the 9th meeting is planned to be held in Tokyo, Japan in February/March (TBD). Mr. Couroux confirmed that exchange of views with the EVE group would be important as hybrid and electric vehicles are within the scope of the EPPR group (i.e. a test procedure for CO2-emissions and energy consumption is foreseen).

EVE-07-10 VPSD informal group status report to the EVE 7th session
EVE-07-12 Update on Heavy-Duty Hybrid working group (HDH) activities
EVE-07-13 Update of Environmental and Propulsion Performance Requirements for L- category vehicles (EPPR)
EVE-07-16 Wordlwide light vehicle emissions test procedure (WLTP) phase 1 schedule (NTSEL)