Status report provided to the informal group on Electric Vehicles and the Environment.
11. Mr. Stéphane Couroux, on behalf of the Chair EPPR IWG, presented document EVE-07-13 summarizing the activities of the group. Mr. Couroux reminded participants that the group has a mandate to work both under the 98th agreement and under the 58th agreement, and provided highlights of the 3rd EPPR meeting in Geneva on June 2013 as well as the 4th meeting recently held in Pune, India on October 8-9, 2013. The next meetings of the EPPR group will be held on January 8, 2014 in conjunction with GRPE and the 9th meeting is planned to be held in Tokyo, Japan in February/March (TBD). Mr. Couroux confirmed that exchange of views with the EVE group would be important as hybrid and electric vehicles are within the scope of the EPPR group (i.e. a test procedure for CO2-emissions and energy consumption is foreseen).