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VPSD informal group status report to the EVE 7th session
Document EVE-07-10
16 October 2013

Brief report to the Electric Vehicles Environmental group on the work on harmonizing terms used in vehicle propulsion systems definitions.

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3. | Update on the work of other GRPE IWG

9. Mr. William Coleman, on behalf of the Chair of the VPSD, presented an update on the activities of the group. Mr. Coleman reported that the group had a meeting in February 2013 and conference call in April 2013, but no other formal activity since that time. Mr. Coleman further added that Mr. Christoph Albus was reviewing the terminology in the EVE reference guide for consistency with VPSD and that definitions discussed by VPSD were also considered in drafting of the WLTP gtr. Mr. Coleman did not know when a new draft document would be circulated, but encouraged EVE leadership to reach out directly to VPSD to continue collaboration as confirmed by Secretary in Action 2 above.

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