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Update on Heavy-Duty Hybrid working group (HDH) activities
Document EVE-07-12
17 October 2013

Status report provided to the informal group on Electric Vehicles and the Environment.

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3. | Update on the work of other GRPE IWG

10. Mr. Stéphane Couroux, on behalf of the HDH IWG Chair, presented document EVE-07-12 summarizing the activities of the group. Mr. Couroux reported that the HDH continues to work on a draft procedure with the objective of presenting proposal as a new annex to GTR no 4 for the next GRPE meeting in January 2014, with the aim of eventual adoption at WP.29 in November 2014. The participants were also informed of the outcome of the last meeting in Geneva on June 4, 2013. The next meetings of HDH IWG are planned for October 24-25, 2013 in San Francisco (15th meeting) and January 2014 in Geneva (16th meeting). Mr. Couroux confirmed there was no immediate need for support from EVE IWG, but that two groups would continue to closely collaborate.

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