Ambassador IWVTA Ambassadors Informal Subgroup 2013
GRB Working Party on Noise 2019
GRBP Working Party on Noise and Tyres 2025
GRRF Working Party on Brakes and Running Gear 2018
IWGMU Informal Working Group on Noise Measurement Uncertainties 2023
IWVTA International Whole Vehicle Type Approval System 2024
SG58 IWVTA Subgroup on Review of the 1958 Agreement 2017
SGR0 IWVTA Subgroup on Regulation 0 2017
STD Joint GRRF/GRB informal group on Special Tyre Definitions 2009
TA Task Force on Tyre Abrasion 2024
TAT Subgroup on Type Approval of Trailer TPMS 2021
TFST Task Force on Studded Tyres 2022
TFVS Task Force on Vehicle Sound 2024
TPM Informal Working Group on Tyre Pressure Monitoring 2008
TPMSTI Task Force on Tyre Pressure Monitoring Systems and Tyre Installation 2021
TPMSTI-CI Task Force on Tyre Pressure Monitoring System Communication Interface 2020
TYREGTR Informal Group on the Development of a Tyre GTR 2019
WP.29 World Forum for the Harmonization of Vehicle Regulations 2025
WT Wet Grip on Worn Tyres 2024