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WP.29 Discussion Topic
Wear of brake friction materials and tires are known to generate particle emissions that can impact air and water quality. The Particle Measurement Program (PMP) which previously had focused exclusively on exhaust emissions issues has been tasked to investigate non-exhaust emissions towards better understanding their dynamics and implications for public health.
(Latest posted on 25 Mar 2025)
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9 October 2014 Evaluation of Tire Road Wear Particles (TRWP) in PM2.5 (Cardno)
PMP-33-08 2014-10-09
9 October 2014 REBRAKE project presentation (Brembo)
PMP-33-07 2014-10-09
9 October 2014 PM Emissions from Tyres and Brakes: PMP work program introduction (JRC)
PMP-33-06 2014-10-09
6 June 2014 Non-exhaust particle emissions from vehicles
GRPE-69-23 2014-06-06
12 May 2014 Non-exhaust emissions from motor vehicles: Discussion paper
PMP-31-02 2014-05-12
7 April 2014 Particulate matter emissions from tyres and brakes: Main facts and open issues (JRC)
PMP-30-05 2014-04-07
12 May 2014 Pollution of motor transport highways by particles from tire and road surface wear has a disastrous influence to human health (Russia)
PMP-31-03 2014-05-12
29 April 2014 Pollution of motor transport highways by particles from tire and road surface wear has a disastrous influence to human health (Russia)
GRPE-69-03 2014-04-29