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WP.29 Discussion Topic
The Particle Measurement Programme (PMP) was established to improve the sensitivity of the Particulate Matter (PM) mass measurement system for heavy and light duty vehicle emissions. PMP developed a particle number (PN) counting method for ultrafine solid particles and enhancements to the PM measurement procedure that were incorporated into UN R83 and R49. Since 2013, PMP has focused on PN as a function of particle size (mainly on the difference between the number of particles measured with the existing PMP methodology (d50=23 nm) and with systems with lower d50s, investigating the possibility to modify the existing d50 methodology from 23 to about 10 nm.
(Latest posted on 15 Jan 2024)
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22 December 2011 Status of the PMP volatile particle removers (VPR) round robin (JRC)
PMP-26-01 2011-12-22
22 December 2011 Horiba volatile particle removers round robin evaluation (Horiba)
PMP-26-02 2011-12-22
22 December 2011 PMP VPR Round Robin: Calibration of the golden condensation particle counters (JRC)
PMP-26-03 2011-12-22
22 December 2011 The AVL Particle Counter: APC 489- Experience from VPR and PNC validations (AVL)
PMP-26-04 2011-12-22
22 December 2011 Consistency of particle number counter (PNC) performance under Annex 4c of UN R49 (Scania)
PMP-26-05 2011-12-22
22 December 2011 Issues associated with solid particle measurement (UM/CDR)
PMP-26-06 2011-12-22
22 December 2011 Application of volatile particle removers for sub-23 nm PN measurements (JRC)
PMP-26-07 2011-12-22
22 December 2011 Nanosize metal-oxide particles emitted by diesel and petrol engines (VERT)
PMP-26-08 2011-12-22
22 December 2011 European Metrology Research Project: Automotive combustion particle metrics (METAS)
PMP-26-09 2011-12-22
22 December 2011 PMP HD Round Robin - Data received thus far (JRC)
PMP-26-10 2011-12-22