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WP.29 Discussion Topic
The Particle Measurement Programme (PMP) was established to improve the sensitivity of the Particulate Matter (PM) mass measurement system for heavy and light duty vehicle emissions. PMP developed a particle number (PN) counting method for ultrafine solid particles and enhancements to the PM measurement procedure that were incorporated into UN R83 and R49. Since 2013, PMP has focused on PN as a function of particle size (mainly on the difference between the number of particles measured with the existing PMP methodology (d50=23 nm) and with systems with lower d50s, investigating the possibility to modify the existing d50 methodology from 23 to about 10 nm.
(Latest posted on 11 Mar 2025)
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9 January 2018 PMP informal group progress report for GRPE January 2018 session
PMP-46-02 2018-01-09
12 January 2018 Status report of the PMP informal group
GRPE-76-33 2018-01-12
30 April 2018 PMP: Inter-laboratory correlation exercise with Condensation Particle Counters (CPC) (JRC)
PMP-47-03 2018-04-30
9 May 2018 Agenda for the 47th PMP informal group session
PMP-47-01 2018-05-09
17 May 2018 Minutes of the 45th PMP informal group session
PMP-45-19/Rev.1 2018-05-17
15 May 2018 Minutes of the 46th PMP informal group session
PMP-46-03 2018-05-15
15 May 2018 PMP: PN Counting from Raw Exhaust via Fixed Dilution and round robin project (ACEA and JRC)
PMP-47-07 2018-05-15
16 May 2018 PMP: Relationship Among Various Particle Characterization Metrics Using GDI Engine Based Light-Duty Vehicles (SwRI)
PMP-47-08 2018-05-16
16 May 2018 Exhaust Emissions: Light Duty-PMP-2017/2018 Sub23nm Round Robin (JRC)
PMP-47-09 2018-05-16
16 May 2018 Periodical Technical Inspection based on Particle Number (PN) for NRMM (Switzerland)
PMP-47-10 2018-05-16
16 May 2018 SUREAL-23: Sub-23 Nm Particle Emissions from DIrect Injection Engines, Including Real Driving Conditions (APTL)
PMP-47-11 2018-05-16
16 May 2018 Exhaust Emissions: Light Duty-PMP-2017/2018 Sub23nm Round Robin (JRC)
PMP-47-13 2018-05-16
17 May 2018 PEMs4Nano: Measurement integration into system development (Horiba)
PMP-47-14 2018-05-17
17 May 2018 PMP: CPC calibrations- Effect of k-factor and calibration material on 23 nm efficiency specifications (AVL)
PMP-47-15 2018-05-17
23 May 2018 PMP: Horizon 2020 "Down to 10" project summary (JRC)
PMP-47-18 2018-05-23
13 June 2018 PMP informal group progress report for GRPE June 2018 session (EC)
GRPE-77-14 2018-06-13
30 October 2018 PMP: Sub-23nm roadmap proposal
PMP-48-02 2018-10-30
7 November 2018 Notes from the 47th PMP informal group session
PMP-47-23 2018-11-07
7 November 2018 CPC Calibration: Key Findings-Calibration Aerosol and Laboratory Setup (BMW)
PMP-48-07 2018-11-07
7 November 2018 PEMs4Nano – Horizon 2020 project overview and preliminary results (Horiba)
PMP-48-08 2018-11-07
7 November 2018 SUREAL-23: Understanding, measuring and regulating sub-23 Nm particle emissions from direct injection engines including real driving conditions (APTL)
PMP-48-09 2018-11-07
7 November 2018 Measuring automotive exhaust particles down to 10 nanometres – DownToTen status report (Ricardo)
PMP-48-10 2018-11-07
8 November 2018 Particle number measurements: Correcting for losses at 10 nm or smaller (MERL)
PMP-48-14 2018-11-08
9 November 2018 Light Duty-PMP-2017/2018 Sub 23 nm Round Robin (EC and JRC)
PMP-48-16 2018-11-09
9 November 2018 PMP: Short literature review about effects of gasoline characteristics on solid PN-Emissions, GDI (JRC)
PMP-48-17 2018-11-09
9 November 2018 PMP: PN Counting from Raw Exhaust via Fixed Dilution and PMP Round Robin Project (ACEA and JRC)
PMP-48-18 2018-11-09