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(Latest posted on 1 Jul 2024)
UN R100 | Revision 2 (2013)
12 Aug 2013 2013-08-14 17:42:13 UTC 2 01 series of amendments | Supplement 1 01 series of amendments | Supplement 2 02 series of amendments
UN R100 | Revision 1 | Amendment 3 (2014)
24 Jun 2014 2014-08-25 16:53:55 UTC 1 3 01 series of amendments | Supplement 3 Based upon the adopted proposal: WP.29/2013/109

Proposal as approved by the GRSP to remove unnecessary constraints on electric vehicle systems having a working voltage of 48V and to adapt the safety provisions of the regulation to this technology.

UN R100 | Revision 2 | Amendment 1 (2014)
24 Jun 2014 2014-09-23 12:21:16 UTC 2 1 02 series of amendments | Supplement 1 Based upon the adopted proposal: WP.29/2013/135

Proposal to remove unnecessary constraints on electric vehicle systems having a working voltage of 48 V and to adapt the safety provisions concerning this technology.

UN R100 | Revision 2 | Amendment 2 (2016)
5 Feb 2016 2016-02-10 13:38:50 UTC 2 2 02 series of amendments | Supplement 2 Based upon the adopted proposal: WP.29/2015/52

Editorial improvements to the text and introduction of provisions allowing for the separation of connectors (including the vehicle inlet) without the use of tools under prescribed conditions.

UN R100 | Revision 1 | Amendment 4 (2016)
5 Feb 2016 2016-02-10 13:40:55 UTC 1 4 01 series of amendments | Supplement 4 Based upon the adopted proposal: WP.29/2015/51

Editorial improvements to the text and introduction of provisions allowing for the separation of connectors (including the vehicle inlet) without the use of tools under prescribed conditions specified under paragraph 5.1.1. This paragraph describes the general requirements for the protection of all high voltage parts, including the obligation that such protection against live parts cannot be opened without the use of tools. If connectors can be opened without use of tools or if they do not satisfy the IPXXD/IPXXB protection limits, the provisions of have to be met.

UN R100 | Revision 1 | Amendment 2 (2013)
6 Aug 2013 2016-02-10 13:48:49 UTC 1 2 01 series of amendments | Supplement 2
UN R100 | Revision 1 | Amendment 1 (2012)
15 Aug 2012 2016-02-10 13:51:27 UTC 1 1 01 series of amendments | Supplement 1
UN R100 | Revision 1 (2011)
21 Mar 2011 2016-02-10 13:52:45 UTC 1 01 series of amendments 00 series of amendments | Supplement 1
UN R100 (2002)
7 May 2002 2016-02-10 13:56:20 UTC 00 series of amendments | Supplement 1
UN R100 (1997)
11 Apr 1997 2016-02-10 13:57:55 UTC 00 series of amendments
UN R100 (1997)
11 Apr 1997 2016-02-10 14:00:24 UTC 00 series of amendments
UN R100 | Revision 2 | Amendment 3 (2016)
11 Jul 2016 2016-07-12 14:41:38 UTC 2 3 02 series of amendments | Supplement 3 Based upon the adopted proposal: WP.29/2015/98

Pursuant to GRPE work on vehicle propulsion system definitions (VPSD informal group; see document WP.29-165-17), this proposal would update the definition of the acronym “REESS” to refer to “rechargeable electrical energy storage system” across the passive safety regulations and currently proposed texts that make use of this acronym. (REESS had previously referred generically to “rechargeable energy storage systems”.)

UN R100 | Revision 2 | Amendment 4 (2019)
24 Jun 2019 2020-02-20 15:51:19 UTC 2 4 02 series of amendments | Supplement 4 Based upon the adopted proposal: WP.29/2018/135

Proposal to amend the transitional provisions in order to explicitly confirm that approvals granted prior to the respective supplements to the 01 and 02 series of amendments and the establishment of the new guidelines on UN Regulation procedures (documents WP.29/2017/107 including Corrigendum 1 and Addendum 1) will continue to be accepted. This amendment confirms the understanding that the new procedures apply only to new approvals and do not affect previous approvals.

UN R100 | Revision 2 | Amendment 5 (2021)
2 Jul 2021 2021-11-15 17:27:42 UTC 2 5 03 series of amendments Based upon the adopted proposal: WP.29/2020/109

GRSP proposal to improve the definition of REESS and align the regulation with the requirements regarding post-crash safety with UN GTR 20.

UN R100 | Revision 1 | Amendment 5 (2019)
24 Jun 2019 2021-11-15 17:30:17 UTC 1 5 01 series of amendments | Supplement 5 Based upon the adopted proposal: WP.29/2018/134

Proposal to amend the transitional provisions in order to explicitly confirm that approvals granted prior to the respective supplements to the 01 and 02 series of amendments and the establishment of the new guidelines on UN Regulation procedures (documents WP.29/2017/107 including Corrigendum 1 and Addendum 1) will continue to be accepted. This amendment confirms the understanding that the new procedures apply only to new approvals and do not affect previous approvals.

Earlier texts may be available through the UN Official Document System.