Netherlands’ Organisation for Applied Scientific Research
| Latest | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |
15 February 2013 TPMS and reduction of LCV and HDV fuel consumption and CO2 emissions (TNO and TU Graz)
GRRF-74-27 2013-02-15
15 February 2013 EC Tire-Pressure Monitoring Systems study questionnaire: TPMS manufacturers (TNO and TU Graz)
GRRF-74-28 2013-02-15
15 February 2013 EC Tire-Pressure Monitoring Systems study questionnaire: Tire manufacturers (TNO and TU Graz)
GRRF-74-29 2013-02-15
15 February 2013 EC Tire-Pressure Monitoring Systems study questionnaire: Vehicle manfufacturers (TNO and TU Graz)
GRRF-74-30 2013-02-15
11 January 2013 HDH Research Project: Report of the Institutes on validation test program 1 (Chalmers, TU Graz, IFA, and TNO)
HDH-12-03 2013-01-11
22 February 2013 REC: NO2/NOx from retrofitted DPF: ETC - WHTC correlation (TNO)
REC-14-12 2013-02-22
19 March 2013 HDH Research Project: Report of the Institutes on validation test program 1 (TNO, Chalmers, TU Graz, and IFA)
HDH-13-03 2013-03-19
28 March 2013 HDH Research Project: Report of the Institutes on validation test program 1 (revised) (Chalmers, TU Graz, IFA, and TNO)
HDH-13-03/Rev.1 2013-03-28
3 June 2013 HDH Research Project: Report of the Institutes on validation test program 1 (Chalmers, TU Graz, IFA, and TNO)
HDH-14-03 2013-06-03
13 June 2013 WLTP: Proposal on default running resistances table (Netherlands, RDW, and TNO)
WLTP-DTP-14-07 2013-06-13
30 September 2013 Report of the Research Program on an Emissions and CO2 Test Procedure for Heavy Duty Hybrids (HDH) (TNO and TU Graz)
TNO 2012 R10679 | Final
TNO 2012 R10679 | Final 2013-09-30
11 October 2013 Final report of the Research Program (VTP1) on an Emissions and CO2 Test Procedure for Heavy Duty Hybrids (HDH) (TNO, IFA, TU Graz, and Chalmers)
TNO 2013 R11430 | Final report
TNO 2013 R11430 | Final report 2013-10-11
19 October 2013 Report of the institutes regarding the heavy-duty hybrid test procedures (Chalmers, TU Graz, IFA, and TNO)
HDH-15-04 2013-10-19
18 December 2013 Information and update on the Netherlands dual-fuel test program (TNO)
GFV-29-07 2013-12-18