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HDH Research Project: Report of the Institutes on validation test program 1
Document HDH-13-03
18 March 2013
Submitted by TNO, Chalmers, TU Graz, and IFA
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Previous Documents, Discussions, and Outcomes
7.1. Presentation by research institutes on validation test program 1

Working paper HDH-13-03e is a joint presentation of the three institutes tasked with conducting validation test program 1.

Mr. Six started with a general overview of the progress achieved (pages 3 to 12). He then presented the structure of the thermal models. The battery model was optimized and can be used for capacitor, as well.

Prof. Fredriksson presented the new model structure (pages 13 to 27). Task was to set up a data bus system in the model that allows various combinations of engines, gear boxes and energy storage systems. With the current Japanese open source model, it is difficult to set up such data bus system. Therefore, the models need to be restructured. Two types of interfaces are proposed, the physical interface that is related to how different components are connected physically, and the signal interface that is related to the control/sensor signals needed for the ECUs. For the gtr, the physical interface should be specified, while for the signal interface only a minimum set of signals can be specified. If other signals or more complex models are needed for the simulation, it will be possible for OEMs to include those without affecting the model structure.

The new model structure will be made available by the end of April for testing. Comments are essential to improve the model.

Mr. Six then went on with the drive cycle investigations (pages 28 to 38). Rationale was to develop a method for the WHVC with slopes (also proposed by Japan in 4.2.1) to produce similar emissions results than on the WHTC for conventional vehicles. The method divides the WHVC into mini-cycles and calculates for each mini-cycle the WHTC/WHVC work difference and transforms it into average mini-cycle slopes (page 32). Emissions results based on simulation look promising. It was decided to check both the 30 sec average slope according to Japanese proposal and mini-cycles approach during validation test program 2. The mini-cycle calculation tool will be uploaded to the HDH website.

Mr. Silberholz presented under test methodology investigations the major items that need to be decided for the gtr (pages 39 to 48). He proposed that OEM specific models should be permitted. He further proposed to use on-road measurements for model verification rather than chassis dyno tests. Another item is the gear shift duration that is not included in the Japanese model. EPA is concerned that the HILS cycle might be less transient than in the vehicle. Since most of the issues are questions/proposals for further evaluation, they are handled under 7.2.

Relates to GTR No. 4 | Heavy-duty Hybrids (HDH) |