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(Latest 25 January 2018)
| Agenda | Formal | Informal |

1. The Working Party on Passive Safety (GRSP) held its sixty-second session in Geneva from 12 to 15 December 2017, chaired by Mr. J.-Wan Lee (Republic of Korea) due to absence of Mr. N. Nguyen (United States of America), in compliance with Rule 13 of the Rules of Procedure (TRANS/WP.29/690, Amend. 1 and 2). Experts from the following countries participated in the work following Rule 1(a) of the Rules of Procedure of the World Forum for Harmonization of Vehicle Regulations (WP.29): Australia; Belgium; Canada; China; Czech Republic; France; Germany; India; Islamic Republic of Iran; Italy; Japan; Netherlands; Norway; Poland; Republic of Korea; Russian Federation; Spain; Sweden; Switzerland and United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland (United Kingdom). Experts from the following non-governmental organizations participated: Consumers International (CI); Federation International de l’Automobile (FIA); Global New Car Assessment Programme (Global NCAP); European Association of Automotive Suppliers (CLEPA); International Motorcycle Manufacturers Association (IMMA) and International Organization of Motor Vehicle Manufacturers (OICA). At the invitation of the secretariat, an expert from the Confederation of the European Bicycle Industry (CONEBI) also attended.

2. The informal documents distributed during the session are listed in Annex I of the session report.

1. Adoption of the agenda

3. GRSP considered and adopted the agenda (ECE/TRANS/WP.29/GRSP/2018/1 and Add.1) proposed for the sixty-second session with the new agenda items 26 (g), 26 (h) and 27 as well as the running order (GRSP-62-03). The list of GRSP informal working groups are listed in Annex X of the session report.

GRSP-62-03 | GRSP 66th Session: Running order of the agenda
GRSP/2017/18 | Annotated provisional agenda for the 62nd GRSP session
GRSP/2017/18/Add.1 | GRSP Session 62: Addendum to the annotated provisional agenda
2. Global technical regulation No. 7 (Head restraints)

4. The expert from the United Kingdom, on behalf of the Chair of the Informal Working Group (IWG) on UN Global Technical Regulation (UN GTR) No. 7 – Phase 2, informed GRSP that for the time being the IWG had not yet decided when to resume its activity. He added that further information would be provided at the May 2018 session of GRSP.

GRSP/2015/34 | Draft amendment 1 to GTR No. 7 on Head Restraints The GTR7 Informal Working Group has been preparing amendments to the regulation with regard to head restraint height, use of the BioRID test dummy, and to improve the overall text. This document provides the current draft text with open items enclosed in brackets.
3. (a) Global technical regulation No. 9 (Pedestrian safety): Proposal for Phase 2 of the global technical regulation

5. The expert from Germany, on behalf of the Chair of the IWG, informed GRSP that the group had met on 24 November 2017. As a result of this meeting, he was able to introduce the consolidated text of draft Amendment 2 to UN GTR No. 9 (GRSP-62-15-Rev.1), incorporating: (a) the flexible pedestrian legform impactor (FlexPLI) (ECE/TRANS/WP.29/GRSP/2014/15), (b) the new bumper test area (ECE/TRANS/WP.29/GRSP/2015/2) and the removal of the study reservation on the Injury Assessment Values (IARVs) (ECE/TRANS/WP.29/GRSP/2017/3). He also introduced the progress report of the IWG (GRSP-62-16) superseding ECE/TRANS/WP.29/GRSP/2014/16. GRSP was not yet in the position to adopt the proposal and requested the secretariat to distribute GRSP-62-15-Rev.1 and GRSP-62-16 with official symbols for final review at its May 2018 session. Moreover, GRSP requested the IWG to draft Addendum 3 to Mutual Resolution No. 1 of the 1958 and the 1998 Agreements to provide drawings and technical specifications of the FlexPLI. GRSP also requested the IWG to liaise with the FlexPLI manufacturer to have free availability of the above-mentioned technical information. Finally, GRSP agreed to seek endorsement from WP.29 and the Executive Committee of the 1998 Agreement (AC.3) at their March 2018 sessions to extend the mandate of the IWG by one year.

GRSP-62-15/Rev.1 | Draft amendment 2 – Revision 1 of UN GTR No. 9 Proposal prepared by the experts of the Informal Working Group (IWG) on Global Technical Regulation No. 9 Phase 2 (GTR9-PH2) and proposes provisions on pedestrian safety and motor vehicles. It represents the final proposal of the Informal Group for Phase 2 of GTR No. 9, based on document GRSP/2014/15 proposing to introduce the Flex PLI lower legform impactor and related test procedures into the GTR on pedestrian safety protection, including the new bumper test area specifications.. As such, the document incorporates also the results of the Task Force Bumper Test Area as well as the comments provided in the informal document of the US from last December’s GRSP (GRSP/2017/3).
GRSP-62-16 | GTR 9: Sixth progress report of the informal working group on global technical regulation No. 9
GRSP/2014/15 | Draft Amendment 2 to Global Technical Regulation No. 9 Draft of the amendment to introduce the Flex PLI lower legform impactor and related test procedures into the GTR on pedestrian safety protection, including the new bumper test area specifications.
GRSP/2014/16 | Fifth progress report of the informal group on Phase 2 of GTR No. 9
GRSP/2015/2 | Proposal for amendments to global technical regulation No. 9 Proposal to amend the bumper test area procedures under the pedestrian safety GTR. This proposal includes the "bumper beam measurement" in the procedure.
GRSP/2017/3 | Draft Amendment 2 (Phase 2) of the global technical regulation No. 9 Proposal to modify document GRSP/2014/15 presenting Amendment 2 to GTR No. 9. Amendment 2 would introduce the flexible pedestrian legform impactor (FlexPLI) as a single harmonized test tool. The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) has expressed concern whether the injury assessment reference values (IARV) proposed in Amendment 2 will be able to meet the needs for injury mitigation in the United States of America. In order to allow the amendment to move forward, the United States proposes to accept the IARV while noting in the statement of technical rationale and justification its continuing research into the IARVs and the possibility of a future proposal to amend the values should this prove warranted.
3. (b) Global technical regulation No. 9 (Pedestrian safety): Proposal for Amendment 3 of the global technical regulation

6. Due to the lack of information on this subject, GRSP agreed to defer discussion to its May 2018 session.

3. (c) Global technical regulation No. 9 (Pedestrian safety): Proposal for Amendment 4 of the global technical regulation

7. The expert from the Republic of Korea introduced the Status Report (GRSP-62-13) of the Task Force of Deployable Pedestrian Protection Systems (TF-DPPS). He reiterated his previous statement that the basis of discussion within the TF was New Car Assessment Programme (NCAP) test protocols. He added that the TF had agreed on the need to discuss numerical simulation and human body models for the amendment to UN GTR No. 9 and UN Regulation No. 127 to cover this subject. However, he clarified that the amendment would not be limited to simulation only but would allow other alternatives like a physical dummy testing. He finally regretted the limited participation from Contracting Parties of both the 1958 and 1998 Agreements and encouraged their attendance. GRSP noted that the Chair of the TF in his previous presentation suggested to transform the TF into an IWG also to cope this issue. Finally, GRSP agreed to seek endorsement of WP.29 and AC.3 at their March 2018 sessions to establish the IWG.

GRSP-62-13 | Status Report of the Task Force on Deployable Pedestrian Protection Systems
4. Global technical regulation No. 13 (Hydrogen and Fuel Cell Vehicles)

8. The expert from Japan, co-Chair of the IWG on the UN Global Technical Regulation (UN GTR) No. 13 – Phase 2, informed GRSP on the group’s progress. He introduced the report of the first meeting of the IWG (GRSP-62-26), held in Brussels on 17-19 October 2017. He explained that the meeting had received contributions from over fifty experts and that the group had provided updates on regulatory work, research and vehicle technologies and production. He concluded that the IWG had also drafted the Terms of Reference (ToR) of the IWG, submitted as an informal document (GRSP 62-25-Rev.1) for endorsement by GRSP and announced that the date of the next meeting of the IWG was scheduled 5-7 February, 2018. GRSP adopted GRSP 62-25-Rev.1, as reproduced in Annex II to the report and agreed to submit it to the June 2018 session of AC.3. Finally, it was agreed to resume consideration on work of the IWG at the May 2018 session of GRSP.

GRSP-62-25/Rev.1 | GTR 13: Terms of Reference for the informal working group on Phase 2 of GTR No.13, Hydrogen and Fuel Cell Vehicles Draft definition of the mandate of the HFCV Phase 2 informal group formed to further develop the GTR on HFCV safety.
GRSP-62-26 | GTR 13: 1st Meeting of the Informal Working Group on Hydrogen and Fuel Cell Vehicles Global Technical Regulation No. 13 (Phase 2)
5. Harmonization of side impact dummies

9. The Chair of GRSP, on behalf of the Chair of the IWG Mr. D. Sutula, informed GRSP that the IWG had not yet met to discuss the next steps, but would like to do so before making any decisions. To that end, he informed GRSP that the Chair of the IWG would apprise WP.29 and AC.3 during the March 2018 session of the extension of the mandate of the IWG and how the group would move forward.

10. The expert from OICA introduced GRSP-62-09 aimed at updating the reference of the ISO standard concerning the World Side Impact Dummy (WorldSID) fiftieth percentile in Addendum 2 of Mutual Resolution No. 1 (M.R.1). He urged GRSP to adopt the amendment to prevent disruption in type approval testing. The expert from Australia supported the proposal as the only viable solution to quickly solve the issue. The expert from Germany informed GRSP about the intention of his country to inform WP.29 about the current status of the M.R.1. He solicited that the addenda of the M.R.1, such as those incorporating anthropomorphic test devices (crash test dummies) and the World Side Impact Dummy fiftieth percentile specifications, be completed as soon as possible. He therefore urged the establishment of an advisory group of experts from research institutes, test laboratories, dummy manufacturers and experts from the industry under the aegis of GRSP to regularly update M.R.1. The expert from CLEPA made a similar statement (GRSP-62-34) urging the completion of M.R.1 of specific descriptions of crash test dummies which were essential for the correct application of UN Regulations and GTRs. GRSP finally adopted GRSP-62-09, as reproduced in Annex III to this report and requested the secretariat to submit it as draft Amendment 1 to Addendum 2 to M.R.1 for consideration and vote at the March 2018 sessions of WP.29 and AC.3 (ECE/TRANS/WP.29/2018/36).

GRSP-62-09 | Draft amendments to Mutual Resolution M.R.1, Addendum2 (specifications of WorldSID 50th male side impact dummy) Proposal to update the references to ISO standards in Mutual Resolution 1, Addendum 2 (document WP.29/1101/Amend.1).
GRSP-62-34 | CLEPA statement concerning the description of crash-test dummies and validation tools in UN Regulations and GTRs CLEPA request for a focused and urgent effort to incorporate all dummies and tools (especially including the child Q dummies integrated into UN R129 testing) into Mutual Resolution 1 which was intended as the repository for specifications of all tools used in WP.29 regulation test procedures.
WP.29/2018/36 | MR1: Proposal for amendments Proposal to update the references to ISO standards in Mutual Resolution 1, Addendum 2 (document WP.29/1101/Amend.1).
6. Global technical regulation on electric vehicles

11. The Chair of GRSP, on behalf of the Chair of the IWG, informed GRSP that the representative of the United States of America was preparing for the vote on the draft UN GTR on vehicle safety scheduled for the March 2018 session of AC.3. He clarified that the IWG discussed the matter of wireless charging batteries and agreed to resume discussion on this matter at its next meeting. GRSP noted that the authorization to develop the Phase 2 (ECE/TRANS/WP.29/2017/143) was endorsed by AC.3 at its November 2017 session. Thus, GRSP learned that the IWG was ready to continue the work, even prior to the establishment of the UN GTR Phase 1 in the Global Registry of the 1998 Agreement.

12. Finally, GRSP agreed to resume discussion at its May 2018 on the work progress of the IWG.

WP.29/2017/138 | Proposal for a new UN GTR on Electric Vehicle Safety (EVS) Proposal for a new GTR on in-use and post-crash safety of electric vehicles and rechargeable electric energy storage systems (REESS).
WP.29/2017/143 | Request for authorization to develop Phase 2 of the UN GTR on Electric Vehicle Safety Proposal for the second phase development of the GTR on electric vehicle safety, including<ol class="alpha"><li>Water immersion test</li><li>Long duration fire resistance test;</li><li>Rechargeable Electrical Energy Storage System (REESS) rotation tests</li><li>REESS vibration profile</li><li>Flammability, toxicity and corrosiveness of vented gas (i.e. quantification of venting for tests addressing safety of REESS post-crash, potential risk of "toxic gases" from non-aqueous electrolyte)</li><li>Thermal propagation and methods of initiation in battery system</li><li>Post-crash REESS safety assessment and stabilization procedures</li><li>Light electric vehicles (e.g. categories L6 and L7, low speed vehicles)</li><li>Protection during Alternating Current and Direct Current charging and feeding process</li><li>Overcurrent requirements plus tests (component based).</li></ol>
7. Regulation No. 14 (Safety-belt anchorages)

13. The expert from Germany introduced ECE/TRANS/WP.29/GRSP/2017/23 on the minimum distance between the two effective lower belt anchorages L1 and L2, which aims to clarify that rear seat rows could only have one central seating position with a reduced minimum distance of 240 mm and 350 mm for the other rear seats. GRSP adopted the proposal, not amended. The secretariat was requested to submit the proposal as draft 09 series of amendments to UN Regulation No. 14, for consideration and vote at the June 2018 sessions of WP.29 and AC.1.

GRSP/2017/23 | Proposal for 09 series of amendments to UN Regulation No. 14 Proposal to clarify the text of UN R14. The current text has produced differing interpretations among Technical Services with regard to which requirements apply to central seating positions in rear rows of category M<sub>1</sub> and N<sub>1</sub> vehicles and the minimum distance between two effective lower belt anchorages (L1 and L2). The proposed amendments clarify that a reduced minimum distance of 240 mm is only allowed in the case where there is only one central seating position (i.e. in a row of 3 seating positions). Rear seat rows with an even number of seats always shall have a distance of at least 350 mm. Given that it entails new requirements, the proposal is presented as a new series of amendments with transitional provisions (proposed through 2025).
8. Regulation No. 16 (Safety-belts)

14. The expert from the Netherlands introduced ECE/TRANS/WP.29/GRSP/2017/21 and ECE/TRANS/WP.29/GRSP/2017/22 to correct typo errors. The expert from Japan proposed GRSP-62-06-Rev.2 (amending ECE/TRANS/WP.29/GRSP/2017/21), GRSP-62-07-Rev.1 (amending ECE/TRANS/WP.29/GRSP/2017/22) and GRSP-62-08 to complete the set of corrections. Finally, GRSP adopted ECE/TRANS/WP.29/GRSP/2017/21 and ECE/TRANS/WP.29/GRSP/2017/22 as amended by Annex IV and GRSP-62-08 as reproduced by Annex IV to the report. The secretariat was requested to submit the proposals for consideration and vote to the June 2018 sessions of WP.29 and AC.1: a) ECE/TRANS/WP.29/GRSP/2017/21 as Corrigendum 1 to Supplement 9 to the 06 series of amendments, b) ECE/TRANS/WP.29/GRSP/2017/22 as Corrigendum 1 to Supplement 1 to the 07 series of amendments and c) GRSP-62-08 as Corrigendum 1 to Supplement 10 to the 06 series of amendments and Corrigendum 1 to Supplement 2 to the 07 series of amendments.

GRSP-62-06/Rev.2 | UN R16: Proposal for Corrigendum 1 to Supplement 9 to the 06 series of amendments Proposal from the GRSP secretariat to correct editorial oversights found in document GRSP/2017/21.
GRSP-62-07/Rev.1 | UN R16: Proposal for Corrigendum 1 to Supplement 1 to the 07 series of amendments Proposal from the GRSP secretariat to correct editorial oversights found in document GRSP/2017/22: <ol><li>Deletes “one of” from the phrase "one of the positions specified in paragraph"</li><li>Paragraph 8.3.6. ellipsis (dots) at the end of the paragraph, indicating that the remaining previous text shall be kept, were omitted.</li><li>Paragraph 1.2: Deletes "and Appendix 5" to align with the text of Supplement 9 to the 06 series of amendments to UN Regulation No. 16.</li><li>Refers to figures 1 to 8, not 1 to 9.</li><li>Table 1: Deletes "F1" in the table, as this fixture is part of the corresponding ISO Standard but not in UN R16.</li><li>Appendix 5: Replaces "universal" by "i-size" in the title of Appendix 5, as UN Regulation No. 129 booster seats can be only i-Size or specific.</li></ol>
GRSP-62-08 | UN R16: Proposal for Corrigendum 1 to Supplement 10 to the 06 series of amendments and Corrigendum 1 to Supplement 2 to the 07 series of amendments Proposal to clarify and correct the reference in paragraph 8.3.6. to UN R14 and the new UN Regulation on ISOFIX anchorages with regard to the measurement of the pitch angle used for the geometrical assessment of the installation of ISOFIX child restraint fixtures. This proposal relates directly to the supplements presented in document WP.29/2017/120.
GRSP/2017/21 | Proposal for Corrigendum 1 to Supplement 9 to the 06 series of amendments to UN Regulation No. 16 Proposal to correct Table 1 by deleting "F1" (this fixture is part of a corresponding ISO Standard but not in UN R16) and to replace "universal" by "i-Size" in the title of Appendix 5, as UN R129 booster seats can be only i-Size or specific.
GRSP/2017/22 | Proposal for Corrigendum 1 to Supplement 1 to the 07 series of amendments to UN Regulation No. 16 Proposal to correct paragraph 1.2. by deleting "and Appendix 5" in order to align with the text of Supplement 9 to the 06 series of amendments to UN R16, to correct Table 1 by deleting "F1" (this fixture is part of a corresponding ISO standard not found in UN R16), and to correct Appendix 5 by replacing "universal" with "i-Size" (UN R129 booster seats can be only i-Size or specific).

15. The expert from France introduced ECE/TRANS/WP.29/GRSP/2017/24, aimed at clarifying the second level warning application concerning occupant detection on the rear seating positions. GRSP adopted the proposal not amended and requested the secretariat to submit it for consideration and vote to the June 2018 sessions of WP.29 and AC.1 as Supplement 3 to the 07 series of amendments to UN Regulation No. 16.

GRSP/2017/24 | Proposal for Supplement 3 to the 07 series of amendments to UN Regulation No. 16 Proposal to clarify that the second level warning requirement in the 02 series of amendments to the UN R16 is dependent upon the needs of each seating position. A strict reading of paragraph 2.45. would require a second-level warning in the event of any unfastened seat-belt in a front or rear position. This proposal would clarify that the second-level warning is required depending on the individual position requirement (e.g., based on detection that a position is occupied).

16. Finally, the expert from Australia, withdrew ECE/TRANS/WP.29/GRSP/2016/13.

GRSP/2016/13 | Proposal for 07 series of amendments to Regulation No. 16 Proposal to insert provisions for vehicles equipped with manual airbag deactivation devices, especially to ensure that vehicles meet performance requirements regardless of the airbag activation setting and to specific requirements for airbag status reminders and telltales.
9. Regulation No. 17 (Strength of seats)

17. The expert from Germany introduced ECE/TRANS/WP.29/GRSP/2017/25 aimed at clarifying that safety-belts and components should continue to function after the load retention test. He added that according to the current text of the UN Regulation, when safety-belt retractor destruction occurred during a test, there were no means to refuse the type approval. However, the expert from OICA argued that the text proposed still shows misinterpretations. Therefore, the expert from Germany, in cooperation with the experts from CLEPA and OICA introduced GRSP-62-37. The experts from the Russian Federation and Australia remarked on the need to verify cross references to other UN Regulations. The expert from OICA suggested that the proposal should be a new series of amendments instead of a supplement. In the meantime, the expert from France argued that it should be considered as a Supplement because it introduces clarifications. He requested further a study reservation. GRSP agreed to resume discussion on this subject at its May 2018 session and requested the secretariat to distribute GRSP-62-37 with an official symbol. Finally, the expert from Germany proposed to establish a Technical Service Group (TSG) to address interpretation issues, as for UN Regulation No. 44.

GRSP-62-37 | UN R17: Proposal for Supplement 5 to the 08 series of amendments Revised proposal, pursuant to GRSP-62 discussions, to clarify that seat belt components such as retractors shall remain functional if damaged during the load-retention test according to Annex 9 of UN R17. Such components have occasionally been damaged during testing such that their functionality has been impaired. In order to ensure adequate occupant safety, this proposal would require all safety-belt components to be included in the test installation and require post-test inspection to confirm the absence of damage.
GRSP/2017/25 | Proposal for Supplement 5 to the 08 series of amendments to UN Regulation No. 17 Proposal to clarify that seat belt components such as retractors shall not sustain damage during testing according to Annex 9 of UN R17. Such components have occasionally been damaged during testing such that their functionality has been impaired. In order to ensure adequate occupant safety, this proposal would require all safety-belt components to be included in the test installation and require post-test inspection to confirm the absence of damage.
10. Regulation No. 22 (Protective helmets)

18. The expert from Belgium introduced (GRSP-62-04) aiming at establishing a more appropriate frequency for inspection and random sampling indicated in Annex 12 to the UN Regulation to ensure an effective control of the conformity of production. GRSP noted GRSP-62-10 on preventing the use of a Unique Identifier, since in the case of the UN Regulation No. 22 on handling protective helmets and their visors, the approval number carried particular information that were relevant for users and enforcement controls. GRSP also noted that the same provisions had already been introduced for Child Restraint Systems in UN Regulations Nos. 44 and 129. Finally, GRSP adopted GRSP-62-04 and GRSP-62-10 as reproduced in Annex V to the report. The secretariat was requested to submit both proposals for consideration and vote to the June 2018 sessions of WP.29 and AC.1 as draft Supplement 3 to the 05 series of amendments to UN Regulation No. 22.

GRSP-62-04 | Proposal for Supplement 3 to the 05 series of amendments Regulation No. 22 Proposal to modify the frequency of conformity of production inspections and random sampling. Absent ISO 9002 certification, inspections would change from "3 times a year" to "1 time a year" (i.e. annual). For ISO 9002-accredited facilities, the amendment would offer authorities flexibility for inspections every 1-2 years depending upon the results of previous inspections.
GRSP-62-10 | Proposal for Supplement 3 to the 05 series of amendments Regulation No. 22 Proposal from the GRSP secretariat to prohibit the use of the DETA program Unique Identifier in place of the approval mark specified in UN R22 because the current mark provides important consumer information that would be lost through use of the UI. This prohibition has similarly been approved for child restraint systems (UN R44 and R129).

19. The expert from France introduced a presentation (GRSP-62-19), on the need to update the UN Regulation according to the new research results in biomechanics on head protection. The expert from FIA introduced a presentation1 showing the work progress of FIA in the field of safety helmets based on its experience from motor sports. He also announced the intention of his organization to handover its experience on improving motorcycle helmets. GRSP agreed, with the support of the experts from Belgium, France, Germany, Italy, Netherlands, Russian Federation, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland and the United Kingdom to seek consent of WP.29 at its March 2018 session to establish an IWG on protective helmets to deal with the most urgent technical issues. The expert from Germany clarified that, for the time being, the topic of protective helmets designed for riders of bikes assisted by an electric engine (pedelec) should be excluded from the ToR of the IWG. GRSP agreed to resume discussion on this subject on the basis of a draft ToR submitted by the IWG to the May 2018 session of GRSP, pending consent of WP.29.

GRSP-62-19 | French considerations on UN Regulation No. 22 Position of France concerning the need to update helmet requirements in light of new designs and technologies presenting safety benefits and raising new safety concerns.
11. Regulation No. 29 (Cab strength)

20. GRSP agreed (ECE/TRANS/WP.29/GRSP/2017/26) on how to secure a cab mounted on a vehicle on the test rig allowing the use of rigid composite blocks and/or metal brackets instead of the wooden blocks (Annex 3, Appendix 1, para. 1), and on the necessity to secure the vehicle with ropes or chains for test C. The expert from Germany introduced GRSP-62-11 on tolerance for the position of the loading device during the test. GRSP agreed in principle with GRSP-62-11, to combine both documents and to resume discussion at the May 2018 session of GRSP to allow for any further provisions. The secretariat was requested to distribute GRSP-62-11 with an official symbol at the next session of GRSP.

GRSP-62-11 | UN R29: Proposal for Supplement 4 to the 03 series of amendments Proposal to introduce a tolerance for the position of the loading device during the test. The loading device is required to be parallel to the x-y plane of the chassis. This proposal would add a z dimension to the x-y plane and set a tolerance such that the loading device may not deviate by more than 5° along the z-axis.
GRSP/2017/26 | Proposal for Supplement 4 to the 03 series of amendments to UN Regulation No. 29 Proposal to introduce installation specifications for securing a cab mounted on a vehicle to the test rig for tests B and C, as is currently provided for test A, under UN R29. This proposal aims to improve repeatability and reproducibility while allowing more flexibility in permitting the use of rigid composite blocks and/or (adjustable) metal brackets in securing the vehicle in the place of the wooden block presently prescribed in Figure 1.
12. Regulation No. 44 (Child restraint systems)

21. The expert from CI introduced ECE/TRANS/WP.29/GRSP/2017/20 to definitively phase out approvals granted to non-integral group 2 or group 2/3 of child restraint systems (CRS). The expert from CLEPA supported a unique set of provisions in the future (UN Regulation No. 129) to which the CRS manufacturers could refer. However, he introduced the rationales in GRSP-62-18 for an adequate time period to implement this transition sensibly. In response to the presentation of CLEPA the expert from CI stated that the timeline of the withdrawal of group 0, 0+ and 1 integral harness from UN Regulation No. 44 should not precedent the withdrawal of group 2/3 CRS. He explained that a short lead time could apply, as demonstrated by CRS manufacturers in the past and could allow consumers to benefit from a higher standard as soon as possible. However, the expert from France noted that the transitional provisions proposed by ECE/TRANS/WP.29/GRSP/2017/20 cannot be applied from the administrative point of view and proposed a one year delay to cease new type approvals. The expert from the United Kingdom encouraged a compromise to allow the industry to phase out any such provisions from UN Regulation No. 44. Finally, GRSP agreed on the transitional provisions set out GRSP-62-29 and adopted ECE/TRANS/WP.29/GRSP/2017/20 as amended by Annex VI to this report. The secretariat was requested to submit it to the June 2018 sessions of WP.29 and AC.1 as draft Supplement 14 to the 04 series of amendments to UN Regulation No. 44.

GRSP-62-18 | UNR 44: CLEPA response to ANEC proposal for Booster phase out
GRSP-62-29 | UN R44: Proposal for supplement 14 to the 04 series of amendments Proposal to cease new approvals of non-integral group 2 and group 2/3 child restraint systems under UN Regulation No. 44 as of [1 September 2019]. This proposal supersedes the previous document GRSP/2017/20.
GRSP/2017/20 | Proposal for Supplement 14 to the 04 series of amendments to UN Regulation No. 44 Proposal to cease new approvals of non-integral group 2 and group 2/3 child restraint systems under UN Regulation No. 44 as of [1 September 2018].

22. The expert from France introduced ECE/TRANS/WP.29/GRSP/2017/28, concerning the correct use of the symbol Y for the use of a crotch strap and ECE/TRANS/WP.29/GRSP/2017/33 to allow the use of digital information for customers. GRSP adopted ECE/TRANS/WP.29/GRSP/2017/28 not amended and ECE/TRANS/WP.29/GRSP/2017/33 as amended below. The secretariat was requested to submit both proposals as part of (see para. 21) draft Supplement 14 to the 04 series of amendments to UN Regulation No. 44, for consideration and vote at the June 2018 sessions of WP.29 and AC.1.

Paragraph 15.2.2., amend to read:
“15.2.2. For “restricted” and “semi-universal” category child restraints the following information, in at least a physical version, shall be clearly visible at the point of sale without removing the packing: …"

GRSP/2017/28 | Proposal for Supplement 14 to the 04 series of amendments to UN Regulation No. 44 Proposal to delete a reference to the "Y" symbol denoting a crotch strap. The Y symbol is no longer used in UN R129 and the presence of this reference has caused problems in interpretation of requirements.
GRSP/2017/33 | Proposal for Supplement 14 to the 04 series of amendments to UN Regulation No. 44 Proposal to allow for the use of electronic means (QR code, smartphone software application, etc.) in furnishing the consumer with the list of vehicle applications of a CRS.

23. The expert from France, on behalf of the Technical Services Group (TSG), introduced ECE/TRANS/WP.29/GRSP/2017/37 to clarify the test protocol for the opening force of the ISOFIX attachments and ECE/TRANS/WP.29/GRSP/2017/38 to clarify the positioning and securing of child restraint systems in the vehicle. The expert from CLEPA introduced GRSP-62-27, amending the figures for the explanation of the measurement procedure of ECE/TRANS/WP.29/GRSP/2017/38. GRSP adopted ECE/TRANS/WP.29/GRSP/2017/37 not amended and ECE/TRANS/WP.29/GRSP/2017/38 as amended by Annex VI to the session report. The secretariat was requested to submit both proposals as part of (see paras. 21 and 22) draft Supplement 14 to the 04 series of amendments to UN Regulation No. 44, for consideration and vote at the June 2018 sessions of WP.29 and AC.1.

GRSP-62-27 | UN R44: Proposal for supplement 14 to the 04 series of amendments The proposal clarifies the test procedure in the amended paragraph 6.1.8 in document GRSP/2017/38 by adding one dimension (175 mm) . This dimension is in line with the dimensions of the fixture from Regulation 16 to check the vehicle safety belt length (Annex 17-Appendix 1, Figure 1) and also in line with document GRSP-61-14/Rev.1 that was adopted at the 61st session.
GRSP/2017/37 | Proposal for Supplement 14 to the 04 series of amendments to UN Regulation No. 44 Proposal on behalf of the Technical Services Group (TSG) on UN Regulation No. 129 to clarify that the opening force applied to the ISOFIX attachments of a complete seat or of a seat component under the test protocol is 50 ± 1 N.
GRSP/2017/38 | Proposal for Supplement 14 to the 04 series of amendments to UN Regulation No. 44 Pursuant to the approval of GRSP/2017/13 as amended in document GRSP-61-14-Rev.1 at the 61st GRSP session, this proposal clarifies the test protocol for positioning and securing the child restraint system on the vehicle.

24. The expert from the Netherlands gave a presentation (GRSP-62-39) to introduce ECE/TRANS/WP.29/GRSP/2017/39 on preventing a lie of belt that could lead to injuries to children using non-integral CRS. The expert from CLEPA agreed in principle with the proposal but requested further clarification. Therefore, the expert from the Netherlands introduced GRSP-62-33-Rev.1. Finally, GRSP agreed to resume discussion at its May 2018 session and requested the secretariat to distribute GRSP-62-33-Rev.1 with an official symbol.

GRSP-62-33/Rev.1 | Proposal for Supplement 14 to the 04 series of amendments to UN Regulation No. 44 Updated and amended proposal based on formal document GRSP/2017/39. This proposal requires the checking of non-integral child restraints (e.g., booster seats) for risk of injuries caused by narrow contact with buckle and safety-belt.
GRSP/2017/39 | Proposal for Supplement 14 to the 04 series of amendments to UN Regulation No. 44 In line with amendments presented in document GRSP/2017/13 and adopted by GRSP to clarify the seat belt installation procedure for testing integral child restraint systems (in order to ensure proper evaluation of potential injury risks), this proposal recommends corresponding amendments to address non-integral child restraint systems (e.g., booster seats).
13. Regulation No. 94 (Frontal collision)

25. The expert from Global NCAP, stated that L7 category of vehicles were becoming more popular and frequent on roads, and that, it was probable that they become popular in emerging markets as well. He urged that these vehicles be designed to perform adequately in frontal and side impacts tests, as well as pedestrian protection tests. He reminded GRSP of the low-rate crash test results of four L7 vehicles that had been displayed on the grounds of the Palais de Nations (see ECE/TRANS/WP.29/1126, para. 86). The expert from France stated that the actual number of these kinds of vehicles in his country was still low (0.5 per cent). He suggested fixing priorities and identifying the main areas to be addressed in parallel with other types of vehicles. The expert from Australia informed GRSP that his country had decided that there should be minimum crashworthiness requirements for L6 and L7 vehicles. He added that his country did not adopted the L6 and L7 vehicle categories into its national law, which means these vehicles were classified as M1 category of vehicles and were required to meet the national standards applied to passenger cars, including crashworthiness standards. He concluded that as a result, there were very few L6 and L7 vehicles in Australia. The expert from the Republic of Korea reminded GRSP of the presentation he had given during the May 2017 session of GRSP (see ECE/TRANS/WP.29/GRSP/61, para. 31), on a plan for implementing safety requirements of micromobility. However, he clarified that, according to the plan, crashworthiness requirements would be covered by the Korean NCAP. The expert from CI supported the statement from Global NCAP and reminded GRSP about the recommendation made by the World Forum at its June 2017 session (see ECE/TRANS/WP.29/1141, para. 41) on the need to address roadworthiness issue related to this category of vehicles, especially frontal collision. Finally, GRSP agreed to resume discussion on this subject at its May 2018 session.

14. Regulation No. 95 (Lateral collision)

26. The expert from Germany introduced ECE/TRANS/WP.29/GRSP/2017/40 aimed at defining the conditions of door opening after test collision. The expert from OICA expressed concerns on the interpretation of results and underlined the need of a reasonable and repeatable test procedure. The expert from Italy endorsed in principle the proposal. However, he requested more depth to avoid misinterpretations. The expert from Germany clarified that the test procedure was already described in the test protocol of Euro NCAP. However, he suggested that the matter be dealt with in cooperation with the expert from OICA to devise a repeatable test. GRSP agreed to resume discussion at its May 2018 session on the basis of a revised proposal.

GRSP/2017/40 | Proposal for Supplement 7 to the 03 series of amendments to UN Regulation No. 95 Proposal to clarify the conditions where a door is deemed to be open under UN R95. Technical Services have interpreted the definition of “open” under paragraph 5.3.1. differently, resulting in divergent outcomes. The proposed definitions are taken from UN Regulation No. 135 Revision 1.
15. Regulation No. 100 (Electric power trained vehicles)

27. The expert from Belgium withdrew ECE/TRANS/WP.29/GRSP/2016/7. The expert from OICA introduced GRSP-62-31, aiming at correcting the transitional provisions in accordance with the General Guidelines for United Nations (ECE/TRANS/WP.29/2017/107) regulatory procedures and transitional provisions in UN Regulations (see para. 47 below). He explained the need to confirm that existing type approvals should remain valid as they were established at the time of the adoption of the 01 and 02 series of amendments. GRSP acknowledged the relevance of this issue and agreed in principle with the proposal, pending its official adoption at its May 2018 session. Therefore, the secretariat was requested to distribute GRSP-62-31 with an official symbol at its next session.

GRSP-62-31 | UN R100: Draft Supplement 4 to the 02 series of amendments and Supplement 5 to the 01 series of amendments Proposal to amend the transitional provisions in order to explicitly confirm that approvals granted prior to the respective supplements to the 01 and 02 series of amendments and the establishment of the new guidelines on UN Regulation procedures (documents WP.29/2017/107 including Corrigendum 1 and Addendum 1) will continue to be accepted. This amendment thus confirms the understanding that the new procedures apply only to new approvals and do not affect previous approvals.
GRSP/2016/7 | Proposal for amendments to Regulation No. 100 Proposal to transfer provisions for electrical safety of trolleybuses from UN Regulation No. 107 (M2 and M3 vehicles) to UN Regulation No. 100 (Electric Power Trained Vehicles). This proposal seeks to clarify the scope of the two Regulations with regard to the electrical safety of trolleybuses.
16. Regulation No. 127 (Pedestrian safety)

28. No new information was provided under this agenda item.

17. Regulation No. 129 (Enhanced Child Restraint Systems)

29. The expert from France introduced ECE/TRANS/WP.29/GRSP/2017/29, aligning the requirements of UN Regulation No. 129 with those of UN Regulation No. 44 on the belt behaviour of the adult safety-belt. GRSP adopted the proposal not amended and requested the secretariat to submit it to the June 2018 sessions of WP.29 and AC.1 for consideration and vote as draft Supplement 3 to the 02 series of amendments to UN Regulation No. 129.

GRSP/2017/29 | Proposal for Supplement 2 to the 02 series of amendments to UN Regulation No. 129 Proposal to specify the proper use and behavior of an adult safety-belt used to install a non-integral Enhanced CRS during dynamic tests. These instructions are present in UN R44, but not in UN R129. Therefore, this proposal would align the two regulations.

30. The expert from France withdrew ECE/TRANS/WP.29/GRSP/2017/30, ECE/TRANS/WP.29/GRSP/2017/31 and ECE/TRANS/WP.29/GRSP/2017/32 for further revision. He also introduced ECE/TRANS/WP.29/GRSP/2017/34, proposing the deletion of the reference to the “Chest deflection Abdominal Pressure (in frontal impact)”. GRSP adopted the proposal not amended and requested the secretariat to submit it for consideration and vote as draft Supplement 7 to the original version of UN Regulation No. 129 at the June 2018 sessions of WP.29 and AC.1.

GRSP/2017/30 | Proposal for Supplement 2 to the 02 series of amendments to UN Regulation No. 129 Proposal to allow for the use of electronic means (QR code, smartphone software application, etc.) in furnishing the consumer with the list of vehicle applications of a CRS.
GRSP/2017/31 | Proposal for Supplement 7 to UN Regulation No. 129 Proposal to allow for the use of electronic means (QR code, smartphone software application, etc.) in furnishing the consumer with the list of vehicle applications of a CRS.
GRSP/2017/32 | Proposal for Supplement 3 to the 01 series of amendments to UN Regulation No. 129 Proposal to allow for the use of electronic means (QR code, smartphone software application, etc.) in furnishing the consumer with the list of vehicle applications of a CRS.
GRSP/2017/34 | Proposal for Supplement 7 to UN Regulation No. 129 Proposal on behalf of the Technical Services Group (TSG) on UN Regulation No. 129 to delete the requirement for chest deflection and abdominal pressure data under the dynamic tests. These criteria were not required in this (original or 00 series) version of UN R129.

31. Referring to the same amendments introduced to UN Regulation No. 44 (see para. 23 above), the expert from France introduced ECE/TRANS/WP.29/GRSP/2017/35 and ECE/TRANS/WP.29/GRSP/2017/36 to clarify the test protocols for the opening force of the ISOFIX attachments. GRSP adopted both proposals not amended and requested the secretariat to submit them to the June 2018 sessions of WP.29 and AC.1 for consideration and vote as draft Supplement 4 to the 01 series of amendments (ECE/TRANS/WP.29/GRSP/2017/35) and as part of (see para. 29 above) draft Supplement 3 to the 02 series of amendments (ECE/TRANS/WP.29/GRSP/2017/36) to UN Regulation No. 129.

GRSP/2017/35 | Proposal for Supplement 4 to the 01 series of amendments to UN Regulation No. 129 Proposal on behalf of the Technical Services Group (TSG) on UN Regulation No. 129 to clarify that the opening force applied to the ISOFIX attachments of a complete seat or of a seat component under the test protocol is 50 ± 1 N.
GRSP/2017/36 | Proposal for Supplement 3 to the 02 series of amendments to UN Regulation No. 129 Proposal on behalf of the Technical Services Group (TSG) on UN Regulation No. 129 to clarify that the opening force applied to the ISOFIX attachments of a complete seat or of a seat component under the test protocol is 50 ± 1 N.

32. The expert from CLEPA introduced GRSP-62-23, clarifying the test provisions of the toxicity of materials in the UN Regulation. GRSP adopted the proposal as reproduced in Annex VII to the session report. The secretariat was requested to submit it for consideration and vote to the June 2018 sessions of WP.29 and AC.1 as part of (see paras. 29 and 31) draft Supplement 3 to the 02 series of amendments to UN Regulation No. 129.

GRSP-62-23 | UN R129: Proposal for Corrigendum 1 to Supplement 1 Proposal to correct the omission of the exemption of non-integral ECRS with a stature range starting at 100 cm or above from the testing of toxicity in Supplement 1 to R129 (document WP.29/2016/106, paragraph This correction should also be applied to the later documents:<ul><li>GRSP /2017/44 Proposal for Supplement 7 to R129,</li><li>GRSP /2017/43 Proposal for Supplement 4 to 01 series of amendments to R129,</li><li>GRSP /2017/42 Proposal for Supplement 3 to 02 series of amendments to R129, and</li><li>GRSP /2017/41 Proposal for 03 series of amendments to R129. </li></ul>

33. The expert from France, Chair of the IWG on Enhanced Child Restraint Systems (ECRS), gave a presentation (GRSP-62-28) on the work progress of the draft 03 series of amendments to the UN Regulation (ECE/TRANS/WP.29/GRSP/2017/41). He also introduced GRSP-62-20, covering definition and provisions for lower tether strap and lower tether anchorages. ECE/TRANS/WP.29/GRSP/2017/41 received several comments and amendments including transitional provisions that were adapted according to ECE/TRANS/WP.29/2017/107. GRSP adopted ECE/TRANS/WP.29/GRSP/2017/41 as amended by Annex VII to the session report. The secretariat was requested to submit the proposal as draft 03 series of amendments to UN Regulation No. 129 for consideration and vote at the June 2018 sessions of WP.29 and AC.1. GRSP requested the secretariat to distribute GRSP-62-20 with an official symbol at the May 2018 session of GRSP.

GRSP-62-20 | UN R129: Proposal for Supplement 1 to the 03 series of amendments Changes agreed by the CRS informal group for the “Phase 3” amendments (universal belted and specific-to-vehicle belted CRS) (amending document GRSP/2017/41) addressing definitions and provisions for lower tether strap and lower tether anchorages.
GRSP-62-28 | UN R129: Presentation of the Phase 3 development (03 series of amendments) Presentation on the development of UN R129 and particularly of provisions for Integral, belted Universal or Specific enhanced child restraint systems.
GRSP-62-30 | UN R129: Proposal for the 03 series of amendments Amended version of document GRSP/2017/41 for the “Phase 3” amendments (universal belted and specific-to-vehicle belted CRS) prepared by the CRS informal group.
GRSP/2017/41 | Proposal for the 03 series of amendments (Phase 3) to UN Regulation No. 129 Formal proposal for the “Phase 3” amendments (universal belted and specific-to-vehicle belted CRS) prepared by the CRS informal group.

34. Finally, the expert from France withdrew ECE/TRANS/WP.29/GRSP/2017/42, ECE/TRANS/WP.29/GRSP/2017/43 and ECE/TRANS/WP.29/GRSP/2017/44. Moreover, he explained that the IWG on ECRS could be dissolved, since the main objectives of the IWG have been achieved.

GRSP/2017/42 | Proposal for Supplement 3 to the 02 series of amendments to UN Regulation No. 129 CRS informal group proposal to correct wording and chapter references, clarify test procedures, and introduce new definitions.
GRSP/2017/43 | Proposal for Supplement 4 to the 01 series of amendments to UN Regulation No. 129 CRS informal group proposal to correct wording and chapter references, clarify test procedures, and introduce new definitions.
GRSP/2017/44 | Proposal for Supplement 7 to UN Regulation No. 129 CRS informal group proposal to correct wording and chapter references, clarify test procedures, and introduce new definitions.
18. Regulation No. 134 (Hydrogen and Fuel Cells Vehicles (HFCV))

35. No new information was provided under this agenda item.

19. Regulation No. 135 (Pole Side Impact (PSI))

36. No new information was provided under this agenda item.

20. Regulation No. 136 (Electric Vehicles of category L (EV-L))

37. No new information was provided under this agenda item.

21. Regulation No. 137 (Frontal impact with focus on restraint systems)

38. The expert from Japan introduced GRSP-62-05, removing the reference to the bending moment of the axial compressive force. GRSP adopted the proposal as reproduced in Annex VIII to the session report. The secretariat was requested to submit the proposal to the June 2018 sessions of WP.29 and AC.1 as draft Supplement 1 to the original version of UN Regulation No. 137 and as draft Supplement 1 to the 01 series of amendments to UN Regulation No. 137.

GRSP-62-05 | UN R137: Proposal for Supplement 1 to the original series and for Supplement 1 to the 01 series of amendments Proposal to delete measurement of the femur bending moments because such measurements are unnecessary under the full width rigid impact test.
22. Collective amendments to Regulations Nos. 16, 44, 94, 129 and 137

39. The expert from OICA introduced GRSP-62-14, as an alternative proposal to ECE/TRANS/WP.29/GRSP/2017/27 tabled by the expert from EC, concerning the information in the airbag warning label on the correct installation of CRS on a passenger seat with an activated frontal airbag. He suggested that the proposal should be adopted as a new series of amendments to UN Regulation No. 16 (Safety-belts) instead of a Supplement and to regroup these kind of requirements in UN Regulation No. 16 only. He also underlined the problem of translation in all languages of the detailed information, which makes reference to the warning, that should be contained in the owner’s manual.

40. The expert from Australia explained that his country requires vehicles to be fitted with an airbag warning label through a national rule that requires vehicles to meet UN Regulation No. 94. He added that although his country also had a national rule that incorporates UN Regulation No. 16, this rule does not require vehicles to meet the airbag warning label requirements of UN Regulation No. 16. Therefore, he stated that removing the requirement for an airbag warning label from UN Regulation No. 94 would create a loophole, which would allow vehicles to be supplied to the Australian market without any airbag warning label.

41. GRSP agreed to resume discussion on this subject at its May 2018 session. The secretariat was requested to distribute GRSP-62-14 with an official symbol at the next session awaiting a possible revised proposal submitted by the expert from OICA.

GRSP-62-14 | Proposal for collective amendments to UN Regulations Nos. 16, 94, and 137 As a counterproposal to document GRSP/2017/27 submitted by the EC, OICA suggests to group all the airbag warning requirements in one single UN Regulation (i.e. UN R16); this would avoid future administrative burden when these may need adaptation. Another solution could be to simply refer, in UN R94 and UN R137, to the label defined in UN R16; OICA suggests that GRSP discusses the most suitable approach. In addition, OICA agrees with the EC proposal to better define the required label, in order to avoid potential misinterpretations. However, when it comes to the printing of the user information in a multitude of languages, OICA considers this is an unnecessary burden, with no benefit to the user. User manuals are placed in the vehicles at the point of sale and therefore in the local language(s); in the not so frequent cases whereby a vehicle, during its lifetime, ends up in a different country/language, the user will always be able to obtain the manual in his own language, if he so asks. OICA consequently proposes not to amend the current requirements on the issue of languages.
GRSP/2017/27 | Collective amendments to UN Regulations Nos. 16, 44, 94, 129 and 137 Proposal to harmonize airbag warning labels regarding the correct use of a child restraint system in a seating position equipped with an activated frontal airbag in order to prohibit the display of additional information unrelated to child safety.
23. Draft new Regulation on ISOFIX anchorages systems, ISOFIX top tether anchorages and i-Size seating positions

42. The expert from Australia withdrew GRSP-58-13 and GRSP agreed to delete this item from the agenda of its May 2018 session.

GRSP-58-13 | Draft proposal for a 08 series of amendments to Regulation No. 14 Australian proposal to adapt UN R14 to current Australian child restraint system anchorage requirements within the context of enabling the use of UN R14 within the international whole vehicle type approval system.
24. Hydrogen and Fuel Cells Vehicles of category L

43. The expert from Japan introduced the draft UN Regulation on Hydrogen and Fuel Cell Vehicles of category L (ECE/TRANS/WP.29/GRSP/2017/19) with a presentation (GRSP-62-01). GRSP noted that GRSP-62-02 showed the changes introduced in the official proposal (ECE/TRANS/WP.29/GRSP/2017/19) with reference to the original ones introduced during the May 2017 session of GRSP (GRSP-61-03). The expert from the United Kingdom suggested incorporating these provisions into UN Regulation No. 134 instead to creating a new UN Regulation. However, the expert from Japan confirmed his intention of have a separate UN Regulation addressing specific conditions related to L category of vehicles, such as: (a) frontal and lateral shocks, (b) fuel system leakage and © parking conditions. GRSP adopted ECE/TRANS/WP.29/GRSP/2017/19, as amended by Annex IX to the session report. The secretariat was requested to submit the proposal as draft new UN Regulation on Hydrogen and Fuel Cell Vehicles of category L to the June 2018 sessions of WP.29 and AC.1 for consideration and vote.

GRSP-62-01 | Draft New Regulation (UNR) on Hydrogen‐Fuelled Vehicles of Categories L1, L2, L3, L4 and L5 Presentation of changes to the original draft proposal (document GRSP-61-03) for a new regulation on the safety of hydrogen fuel-cell motorcycles and similar vehicles and explanation for the modifications. The changes have been incorporated into the revised proposal GRSP-62-02.
GRSP-62-02 | Draft New Regulation (UNR) on Hydrogen-Fuelled Vehiclesof Categories L1, L2, L3, L4 and L5
GRSP/2017/19 | New UN Regulation on hydrogen-fuelled vehicles
25. Election of officers

44. In compliance with Rule 37 of the Rules of Procedure (TRANS/WP.29/690, Amendments.1 and 2), GRSP called for the election of officers. The representatives of the Contracting Parties, present and voting, unanimously re-elected Mr. N. Nguyen (United States of America) as Chair and Mr. J.W. Lee (Republic of Korea) as Vice-Chair for the sessions of GRSP scheduled in the year 2018.

26. (a) Other business: Exchange of information on national and international requirements on passive safety

45. The expert from the Republic of Korea informed GRSP about the recent rule-making result for the implementation (GRSP-62-38) of safety-belt reminders and FlexPLI provisions in the legislation of the Republic of Korea.

GRSP-62-38 | Korea Motor Vehicle Safety Standards: Seat belt reminder and FlexPLI On 14 November 2017, Korea introduced rear seat-belt reminder requirements into the KMVSS aligned with the 07 series of amendments to UN R16. The requirements become mandatory from 1 September 2019. At the same time, Korea also adopted the FlexPLI test tool for pedestrian protection testing aligned with the draft Amendment 2 to GTR No. 9. Compliance testing with the FlexPLI will start from 1 January 2018 (given that the FlexPLI has been in use under Korea NCAP since 2015).
26. (b) Other business: Definitions and acronyms in Regulations under GRSP responsibilities

46. As a follow-up of the adoption of the UN Regulation on HFCV of category L, the expert from Japan stated that an updated list of definitions and acronyms should be added.

26. (c) Other business: Development of the International Whole Vehicle Type Approval

47. GRSP noted that Revision 3 of the 1958 Agreement entered into force on 14 September 2017. It was also noted that the General Guidelines for United Nations regulatory procedures and transitional provisions in UN Regulations (ECE/TRANS/WP.29/2017/107, Corr.1 and Add.1) had been adopted at the November 2017 session of WP.29 (see ECE/TRANS/WP.29/1135, para. 53). It was also noted that UN Regulation No. 0 (ECE/TRANS/WP.29/2017/8), its explanatory, and questions and answers documents (ECE/TRANS/WP.29/2017/9 and ECE/TRANS/WP.29/2017/31) had been adopted by WP.29 at that session and that UN Regulation No. 0 was expected to enter into force in June 2018. However, due to the administrative notification process, it was noted that UN Regulation No. 0 would be fully applicable from spring 2019.

26. (d) Other business: Highlights of the June and November 2017 sessions of WP.29

48. The Secretary reported on the highlights of the 172nd and 173rd sessions of WP.29 (ECE/TRANS/WP.29/1131 and ECE/TRANS/WP.29/1135).

26. (e) Other business: Three-dimensional H-point machine

49. The expert from Spain, Chair of the IWG on the harmonization of specifications of the 3-D H-point machine, informed GRSP on the progress of work of the IWG through a presentation (GRSP-62-24). The expert from OICA informed GRSP that the 3-D H-point machine was used for both vehicle safety development and comfort. He added that the latest standards of the machine did not correspond to those mentioned in the UN Regulations and there were different versions of the machine on the market.

GRSP-62-24 | Status Report of the IWG of the Three-Dimensional H-Point Machine (3D-HPM) Update on the work to harmonize the specifications of the 3D H-Point Marchine as used in UN Regulations and UN Global Technical Regulations.
26. (f) Other business: Intelligent transport systems

50. No new information was provided under this agenda item.

26. (g) UN Regulation No. 80 (Seat Strength of Coaches and Buses)

51. The expert from Germany gave two presentations (GRSP-62-35 and GRSP-62-36) to introduce a proposal of amendment (GRSP-62-12) to the UN Regulation aimed at removing the static tests and improving the dynamic test on seat anchorages. Referring also to the video presentations Nos. 1 and 2, he provided evidence that seat anchorages tested statically do not reach the same level of safety as that tested dynamically and, therefore, they cannot be considered as equivalent. GRSP agreed to resume discussion on this subject at its May 2018 session and requested the secretariat to distribute GRSP-62-12 with an official symbol.

GRSP-62-12 | UN R80: Proposal for the 04 series of amendments Research has shown that dynamic testing under Appendix 1 is more demanding than the static testing under Appendix 5. As a result, approvals based upon static testing are not equivalent to approvals based on dynamic testing. This proposal, therefore, would delete Appendix 5. In addition, this proposal amends Appendix 1 by reducing the forward movement of the head of the manikin to 1.2 m in alignment with UN Regulation No. 14. Further, the proposal would limit the movement of the seat anchorages to 100 mm to ensure a minimum residual space for the passenger between the seats. Lastly, to ensure that seat fixations are reliably fastened after relocation, the proposal would require the necessary information to be marked directly on the seat and provided in the owner’s manual.
GRSP-62-35 | UN R80: Comparative study of static and dynamic test procedures Presentation in support of the proposal to delete the static test procedure for seat strength (document GRSP-62-12) from UN R80.
GRSP-62-35/Add.1 | UN R80: Comparative study of static and dynamic test procedures-Dynamic test video Video clip use in study presentation.
GRSP-62-35/Add.2 | UN R80: Comparative study of static and dynamic test procedures-Static test video Video clip use in study presentation.
GRSP-62-36 | UN R80: Systems comparison of static and dynamic test procedures Presentation in support of the proposal to delete the static test procedure for seat strength (document GRSP-62-12) from UN R80.
26. (h) UN Regulation No. 11 (Door latches and hinges)

52. The expert from OICA introduced GRSP-62-32, addressing a similar issue (see para. 27) on transitional provisions as discussed for UN Regulation No. 100. GRSP agreed in principle with the proposal and requested the secretariat to distribute it with an official symbol at its May 2018 session of GRSP.

GRSP-62-32 | UN R11: Draft Supplement 2 to the 04 series of amendments Proposal to amend the transitional provisions in order to explicitly confirm that approvals granted under the preceding series of amendments and the establishment of the new guidelines on UN Regulation procedures (documents WP.29/2017/107 including Corrigendum 1 and Addendum 1) will continue to be accepted. This amendment thus confirms the understanding that the new procedures apply only to new approvals and do not affect previous approvals.