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Adopted proposal for a draft Supplement to the 04 series of amendments to Regulation No. 46
Document GRSG-108-46/Rev.2
8 May 2015

Consolidated revised version of UN R46 as approved by the GRSG during its 108th session to introduce the optional replacement of mirrors of Classes I to IV by camera-monitor systems.

Status: Superseded
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Previous Documents, Discussions, and Outcomes
4.7.3. Proposal for Supplement 2 to the 04 series of amendments to Regulation No. 46
5. Regulation No. 46 (Devices for indirect vision)

23. Referring to the final report GRSG-108-23, the expert from the Netherlands, chairing the Informal Working Group (IWG) on Camera-Monitor Systems (CMS), informed GRSG that his group had finalized the draft amendments to Regulation No. 46 to introduce the optional replacement of mirrors of Classes I to IV by camera-monitor systems (ECE/TRANS/WP.29/GRSG/2015/2). He added that all ISO standards referred to in the proposed text were accessible for GRSG experts as informal documents GRSG-108-03 and GRSG-108-20. On behalf of the informal group on CMS, he presented GRSG-108-21 incorporating further amendments to ECE/TRANS/WP.29/GRSG/2015/2. He proposed to insert supplementary information on camera-monitor systems of classes I to IV into the existing information documents required for type-approval procedure (GRSG-108-22).

24. GRSG adopted ECE/TRANS/WP.29/GRSG/2015/2, amended as reproduced in GRSG-108-46-Rev.2 (including the modified scope proposed in GRSG-108-17-Rev.1 and adopted under para. 22 above). The secretariat was requested to submit the adopted proposal to WP.29 and AC.1 for consideration at their November 2015 sessions, as draft Supplement 2 to the 04 series of amendments to UN Regulation No. 46.

27. The expert from the Netherlands presented ECE/TRANS/WP.29/GRSG/2015/10 and ECE/TRANS/WP.29/GRSG/2015/11 proposing to align the provisions of UN Regulations Nos. 26 (External projections) and 61 (External projections of commercial vehicles) with the adopted new CMS provisions in UN Regulation No. 46 (para. 24 above). GRSG adopted both documents and requested the secretariat to submit them (together with ECE/TRANS/WP.29/GRSG/2015/2, as amended) to WP.29 and AC.1 for consideration at their November 2015 sessions, as draft Supplement 3 to the 03 series of amendments to UN Regulation No. 26 and as draft Supplement 3 to UN Regulation No. 61 respectively.

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