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Proposal for amendments to Regulation No. 125
Document GRSG-108-33
1 May 2015

An accident occurred where an N1 security vehicle fatally injured a child who was crossing the entrance to a supermarket car park. The vehicle had been modified from the original specification of the manufacturer by the removal of the side windows and the fitting of plastic glazing on both sides of the driver’s cab area, and a frame of strengthening material fitted to the replacement glazing. This reduced the side vision for the driver of the vehicle. Since UN R125 applies to M1 vehicles, the UK seeks guidance from GRSG on the application of UN R125 provisions to N1 vehicles.

Submitted by UK
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Previous Documents, Discussions, and Outcomes
13. Regulation No. 125 (Forward field of vision of drivers)

54. The expert from UK presented GRSG-108-33 raising concerns about the absence of an appropriate field of view requirement for drivers of N1 vehicles. GRSG noted support on the principles of the proposal. Some experts raised a study reservation as the proposal would imply a modification to the current scope of UN Regulation No. 125. GRSG agreed to resume consideration of this subject at its next session on the basis of a concrete proposal by the expert from UK.

Relates to UN R125 |