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Draft amendments to UN Regulations Nos. 58 and 73
Document GRSG-108-32
1 May 2015

UN Regulations Nos. 58 and 73 contain exemptions which can be applied by an approval authority and we are concerned that a vehicle which is correctly approved using such an exemption cannot then be required to have an RUPD or sideguards. The UK seeks the views of GRSG on how the wording of the exemptions may be improved to ensure that as many vehicles as possible are fitted with RUPD and sideguards.

Submitted by UK
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Previous Documents, Discussions, and Outcomes
6. Regulation No. 58 (Rear underrun protection)

35. The expert from UK explained their concerns about the current exemptions in UN Regulations Nos. 58 and 73 (GRSG-108-32). He sought the view of GRSG as to how the wording of the exemptions might be improved to ensure that as many vehicles as possible are fitted with rear underrun protection and side guards. GRSG experts were invited to send their comments to the expert from UK. GRSG agreed to resume consideration of this subject at its next session and to keep GRSG-108-32 on its agenda as a reference document.

Relates to UN R58 | UN R73 |