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Comments on the proposal to align UN Regulation No. 10 with UN Regulation No. 107
Document GRE-73-20
13 April 2015

Comments on the proposal to align the requirements of UN Regulation No. 10 with regard to electromagnetic compatibility of trolleybuses with the electrical standards in Annex 12 to UN Regulation No. 107 (document GRE/2014/41).

Submitted by Russia
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7. (b) Regulation No. 10

23. The expert from the Russian Federation introduced amendment proposals on the electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) of trolleybuses (GRE-74-12) with the intention to replace ECE/TRANS/WP.29/GRE/2014/41. The expert from Belgium commented on these proposals. The expert from China proposed a set of amendments to different provisions of Regulation No.10 (ECE/TRANS/WP.29/GRE/2015/36). This proposal received preliminary comments from Finland. Various GRE experts pointed out that, before taking a position on the Chinese and Russian proposals, they had to consult national EMC experts who do not normally attend GRE sessions.

24. To make further progress on the above proposals, GRE decided to create a task force (TF EMC) and invited GRE participants and experts on EMC to take part in this work. OICA volunteered to act as secretary of the task force. GRE agreed that TF EMC should start its activities as soon as possible to address the electromagnetic compatibility of trolleybuses.

7. (c) Regulation No. 10 (Electromagnetic compatibility)

26. The expert from Belgium referred to their proposal for amendments on the electromagnetic compatibility of trolleybuses (ECE/TRANS/WP.29/GRE/2014/41) and asked GRE to postpone the consideration of this issue to the next session, due to the ongoing consultations with OICA. The expert from the Russian Federation proposed corrections to ECE/TRANS/WP.29/GRE/2014/41 (GRE-73-20). The expert from Canada, who had chaired GRE in 2014, reported on his bilateral consultations with the Chair of the Working Party on General Safety Provisions (GRSG) and their agreement that this issue belongs to the scope of Regulation No. 10 and, thus, should be dealt with by GRE. GRE decided to revert to this matter at the next session and invited the experts from Belgium, the Russian Federation and OICA to submit a joint proposal.

4. (i (iv)) Any other business

44. The expert from Belgium introduced a proposal to amend Regulation No. 10 with prescriptions for electromagnetic compatibility of trolleybuses (ECE/TRANS/WP.29/GRE/2014/41). GRE noted that this amendment had been originally prepared for Regulation No. 107 (General construction of buses and coach), but the Working Party on General Safety Provisions (GRSG) felt that the prescriptions for electromagnetic compatibility of trolleybuses belong to Regulation No. 10 which is under the auspices of GRE. The experts from the Russian Federation and OICA pointed out that the proposed prescriptions for electromagnetic compatibility of trolleybuses do not fit Regulation No. 10, as they are substantially different from the current provisions in this Regulation and would require different testing methods and equipment that are not easily available. GRE agreed to solicit the expert opinions on this issue and to revert to it at its next session. Meanwhile, GRE invited its Chair to bilaterally discuss the issue with the GRSG Chair and, if necessary, to raise it at the November 2014 session of AC.2.

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