78. The representative of CITA introduced informal document ITC (2015) No. 15, proposing the development of three additional rules to the 1997 Agreement: (i) requirements on the roadworthiness facilities and test equipment, (ii) requirements on the competence, training and certification of inspectors, and (iii) supervising bodies.
81. The representative of the Netherlands stated that his country agreed with the proposal from CITA and the secretariat to create an IWG. He expressed the willingness of his country to chair it.
82. The representative of Finland welcomed the initiatives and supported the proposal. He expressed the willingness of his country to participate in the work of the group.
83. The representative of Sweden stated that, as a Member State of the EU, his country was obliged to transpose EU directives. He stated that it would be interesting to learn more about the 1997 Agreement to assess if this would be a suitable platform to develop PTI Rules. He added that, as the 1968 Vienna Convention links the usage of vehicles with PTI, the 1997 Agreement could become a cooperation platform between WP.29 and WP.1. He expressed his support for the establishment of an IWG.
84. The representative of Romania supported the establishment of the IWG and expressed the hope that this proposal would address the challenges faced by WP.29 and AC.4.