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A noise label for motor vehicles: towards quieter traffic
Document GRB-61-01
26 January 2015
Submitted by Netherlands
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Previous Documents, Discussions, and Outcomes
9. | Exchange of information on national and international requirements on noise levels

20. The expert from the Netherlands presented a discussion paper (GRB-61-01 and Add.1) exploring the possibility of introducing a noise label system for vehicles and providing an initial model for such labelling. In particular, he suggested that a labelling system for private cars rely on scores for interior noise, powertrain noise (engine and exhaust system), and tyre noise. The experts from Austria, France, Germany and OICA raised practical questions regarding the potential advantages of such a labelling system for customers. The expert from the European Commission pointed out that labelling falls under the competence of the Community and that the EU internal procedures should be followed. GRB decided to come back to this issue at the next session.

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