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Request for authorization to develop amendments to GTR No. 6
Document WP.29/2015/42
29 December 2014

Request for authorization to develop an amendment to GTR No. 6 (and thus UN Regulation No. 43) to establish test procedures and performance requirements for panoramic sunroof glazing.

Submitted by Korea
Status: Mandate approved
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Previous Documents, Discussions, and Outcomes
17.4. | GTR No. 6 (Safety Glazing)

115. The representative of the Republic of Korea reported that the new IWG on Panoramic Sunroof Glazing (PSG) expected to convene on 4 May 2015 in conjunction with the forthcoming GRSG session. He announced the Group’s intention to finalize the Terms of Reference and Rules of Procedures. He confirmed that the Republic of Korea would chair the informal working group and act as a technical sponsor. He invited all interested delegates to participate in the informal meeting. AC.3 endorsed the request for authorization to develop an amendment to UN GTR No. 6 (ECE/TRANS/WP.29/2015/42).

| Opening Remarks
3.6.3. | Working Party on General Safety provisions (GRSG) (107th session, 30 September – 3 October 2014)
4.7.2. | Proposal for Supplement 3 to the 01 series of amendments to Regulation No. 43
4.7.3. | Proposal for Supplement 3 to the 01 series of amendments to Regulation No. 43
8.9. | Panoramic Sunroof Glazing (PSD)

94. WP.29 decided to consider this subject under agenda item 18.9.

18.9. | GTR No. 6 (Safety Glazing)

121. Referring to the decision taken by WP.29 under agenda item 8.9 (see para. 94 above), AC.3 considered the proposal of authorization to develop an amendment to the UN GTR (WP.29-164-25) and the draft ToR of the IWG (WP.29-164-24). AC.3 endorsed, in principle, the proposal of authorization and the establishment of the IWG as proposed by the representative of Korea. The secretariat was requested to distribute WP.29-164-25 with an official symbol for consideration at the March 2015 session. AC.3 agreed to resume consideration of a revised version of the ToR prepared by the IWG and then endorsed by GRSG at its May 2015 session.

8.5. | Korea's automotive recall system and panoramic sunroof investigation

71. Mr. Sokchang Kwon, Director General of the Motor Vehicles Policy Division of the Ministry of Land, Transportation and Maritime Affairs of the Republic of Korea gave a presentation on the results of their national defect investigations on panoramic sunroofs (WP.29-162-15). The Chair of GRSG suggested that this topic be investigated further by GRSG experts to determine whether it is necessary to adjust the relevant UN Regulation No. 43 and UN GTR No. 6 on glazing. Thus, he invited the representative of the Republic of Korea to share these findings with GRSG experts during the forthcoming session in May 2014. The representative of the Republic of Korea (Korea Automobile Testing and Research Institute (KATRI)) introduced WP.29-162-22 showing the detailed results of their investigations on safety issues with panoramic sunroofs. The representative of Japan agreed with the suggestion by the Chair of GRSG. Finally, the World Forum requested GRSG to discuss this issue at its forthcoming session in April 2014.

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Relates to GTR No. 6 |