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Proposal for amendments to UN Regulation No. 83
Document GRPE/2014/14
27 March 2014

Text prepared by the International Organization of Motor Vehicle Manufacturers (OICA) in order to update the on-board diagnostics (OBD) requirements in line with technological progress. This document includes amendments to the 06 and 07 series of amendments, superseding documents GRPE/2014/8 and GRPE/2014/9 from the January 2014 GRPE session.

Submitted by OICA
Status: Superseded
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3. (c) UN Regulations Nos. 68, 83, 101 and 103

13. The expert from OICA introduced ECE/TRANS/WP.29/GRPE/2014/14 and the proposed corrections in GRPE-69-13. GRPE noted that the proposals were not ready for endorsement and agreed to reconsider them at its January 2015 session on the basis of two revised proposals that the expert from EC volunteered to prepare.

3. (c) UN Regulations Nos. 68, 83, 101, and 103

23. The expert from OICA introduced ECE/TRANS/WP.29/GRPE/2014/9, updating the On-Board Diagnostics (OBD) requirements in ECE/TRANS/WP.29/GRPE/2014/2 (07 series of amendments to UN Regulation No. 83). He also explained that ECE/TRANS/WP.29/GRPE/2014/8 contains similar changes for the 06 series of amendments. The expert from CLEPA mentioned that the consequences of these proposals are currently being scrutinized. The expert from the EC expressed the need to analyse the proposals in further detail, also stating that the position of all stakeholders affected by these modifications needs to be taken into account. The expert from Germany also expressed concerns on the content of the proposals. The expert from OICA sought the GRPE advice for their future consideration. GRPE endorsed the invitation by the expert from the EC to consider ECE/TRANS/WP.29/GRPE/2014/8 and ECE/TRANS/WP.29/GRPE/2014/9 in an expert meeting with interested stakeholders with the aim to find a compromise. GRPE also requested the expert from the EC to provide information on the development of this discussion in the June 2014 session of GRPE.

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