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Possibility of frequency shift test on the road
Document GTRQRTV-05-02
14 November 2013

Presentation on Korean indoor (test chamber) and outdoor (road) sound-level tests towards defining quiet vehicle sound requirements. Korea proposes to establish both minimum and maximum sound requirements for audible vehicle alerting systems (AVAS).

Submitted by KOTSA and KATRI
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Presentation: Frequency Shift Testing (Korea)

The background of the study that was presented was to compare and evaluate indoor versus outdoor testing. Also the need for maximum level of AVAS was looked at.

Three different ICE vehicles were tested, both on a chassis dynamometer and on outdoor facilities. It was concluded that both testing location delivered similar results so that testing can be carried outdoor. One advantage of outdoor testing is the easier availability of testing facilities as there is no limitation for the vehicle length. Also the standardization of indoor test facilities would have to be determined. As these tests were done on ICE vehicles, the transferability of the gathered results to electric vehicles remains to be proven.

Also Korea supports the request from France to set a maximum value for the emission from AVAS.

ISO mentioned some basic findings and the specific concerns on outdoor testing (pitch shifting) have been presented at previous meetings and invites Korea to participate in future ISO work.

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