The informal group on camera-monitor systems (CMS) produced a proposal to enable the use of CMS as an alternative to conventional mirrors (document GRSG/2011/23/Rev.1). A decision on this proposal has been pending while the Forum awaits the establishment of an ISO standard on CMS. Since the ISO standard is now in its final stages, Germany proposes to reactivate the CMS informal group in order to prepare an updated regulatory proposal for these systems.
24. The expert from Germany introduced GRSG-105-27 proposing to re-establish the informal group on Camera-Monitor Systems (CMS). The expert from the Netherlands committed to continue the chairmanship of CMS. The expert from OICA informed GRSG that he would need some time to consider continuation of his tasks as Secretary of CMS. GRSG adopted the revised Terms of Reference of the informal group and the proposed time schedule for the tasks of CMS as reproduced in Annex II to the session report.
25. The GRSG Chair invited all interested experts to actively participate in the future meetings of the re-established informal group on CMS, subject to the consent of WP.29 at its November 2013 session and the commitment by OICA to ensure the tasks of the secretariat servicing.