Proposal to refine the text of document GRSG/2013/23 wherein Germany proposed to clarify the provisions on the extended field of vision of heavy goods vehicles across different mirror classes. The text would require assessment of normal and extended fields of vision using a single mirror adjustment and to allow for the loss of up to 10% of the close-proximity field of vision in such configurations. The UK proposes to add the word “simultaneously” in several places to confirm that the mirror can not be re-adjusted during the approval test in order to meet the extended field of view requirements.
27. The expert from Germany presented ECE/TRANS/WP.29/GRSG/2013/23 clarifying the introduction of the extended field of vision on heavy goods vehicles that may be covered using different mirror classes. The expert from the United Kingdom proposed some improvements to the proposed text (GRSG-105-22). GRSG adopted the document, as amended below, and requested the secretariat to submit the amendments to WP.29 and AC.1 for consideration at their March 2014 sessions as draft Supplement 1 to the 04 series of amendments to UN Regulation No. 46.
Paragraphs to, replace the wording “that it provides” by “that it simultaneously provides” (3 times).
Paragraph, second subparagraph, replace the wording “However, in that case” by “In such cases” and “that it provides” by that it simultaneously provides".