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IEC comments on the proposed IWVTA technical requirement priorities
Document GRE-70-08
26 September 2013

Comments from IEC on the informal document GRE-69-15/Rev.1 (“Priority of Discussion on Technical Requirements for IWVTA and Draft Report to IWVTA Informal Meeting”)

Submitted by IEC
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Previous Documents, Discussions, and Outcomes
14. (c) | Development of an International Whole Vehicle Type Approval (IWVTA)

42. The expert from EC, recalling the purpose of WP.29-156-21, introduced GRE-69-15-Rev.1 on the candidate items to be incorporated in IVWTA and UN Regulation No. 0. The proposal received some comments (GRE-70-08 and GRE-70-29). GRE endorsed GRE-70-45 and requested the secretariat to submit it to the IWVTA informal group.

Relates to UN R0 |